

Anthony Weiner not being dead in a ditch or renditioned to a black site in Yemen is proof that Hillary ain’t killed nobody.

I. Am. Furious.

They also voted to include CHIP in the dismantling of the ACA. You know, healthcare for kids. #PROLIFEMYASS

I called Pat Toomey (the one whose staffer hung up on the woman for saying vagina) and his staffer told me “don’t be so aggressive” and that Toomey “had a plan”. When I asked for details he told me he didn’t have them and that this was “part of the process” for making insurance “actually affordable”. So if everyone

“If you ain’t rich, you don’t deserve to be alive,” - The Republican viewpoint.

Now playing

Ahem. Though the truth is, people will be happy as long as the ACA replacement only helps a certain group of people, not the poors or the coloreds or the women.

I’m so fucking angry. My parents were finally able to afford healthcare for the first time since we lost our house during the housing crisis. ACA obviously has problems, but the solution has never been snatching away healthcare from people who desparately need it.

I like the dancing, but the narration reminds me a bit too much of the times I’ve spend with smug art students who like to get high and explain how gifted and special they are. I definitely have entered the eyerolling, “okay, kids” part of adulthood, “get off my lawn” is clearly not far off.

I don’t know. Somehow the psuedo Middle Eastern/North African/Berber (referring to certain tattoo designs, here) veils, jewelry, and facial tattoos were off-putting to me. It is an actual ethnic background from which some of us come, and I do not throw around ‘appropriation’ a lot but anyone with the smallest

So I’m like a million fucking years old and I understand that this has become my get off my lawn moment but I really do miss a time when selling out was a bad thing.

Or like, fucking Oprah. If we’re working off mononyms whose names start with O, Oprah will win every fucking time. 

I know, bc if there were to be a “lady O” in this country it wouldn’t be her, it’d be Michelle. Who actually has manners, style, and grace. Omarosa is not in the least ladylike.

Par for the course, as far as I’m concerned.

I swear every morning since the election I’ve woken up and had the horrible realization that Trump is going to be president over and over. It’s like the movie Groundhog Day without the comedy.

UGH I don’t know what this thread is about, but that David Tennant and his Scottish accent.

He’s been this way for years. His antics with his fans on social media showed his low-key thirst for a long time.

I never got it either. He has a vibe about him, whether when acting or in real life, of being so handsome that he sits back and lets things get handed to him. I’m sure there’s a better way to phrase it, but basically that’s how I see him.

He’s so handsome and smooth. I love him as Falcon.

I thought I was into British dudes, but Anthony Mackie in “the Adjustment Bureau” made me realize that I’m just into hot dudes in slightly G-men-esque type suits.