
The teen’s father told Buzzfeed he’d voted early for Clinton but regretted it, adding, “With the recent developments with my daughter, I can say that I would likely not have voted for either of these clowns if I had it to do over again.”

Stop with the auto play ads! Please! I can’t surf Jezebel at work any more cause the damn ads play by themselves.

I love Gabaldon’s storytelling, but in season 3 you have to be prepared for (a) Frank’s reaction to Lenny Abernathy’s “more outré friends,” (b) Geillis’s reappearance in an...unexpected place, and the things she has been doing there, and (c) Yi Tien Cho. Sorry to sound so 90s, but Gabaldon is 90s, and she’s not

no , the lack of sex came from a stupid decision someone in production made in season 1 . Jamie in the book initially had a problem separating Claire and Jack leading to him not even being able to touch Claire without getting sick . However Claire manages to split that connection in an opium/ fever dream filled last

The veil has been ripped off of the Republicans. I mean when the former Grand Dragon of the KKK is inspired by Trump you know all hell is breaking loose.

Oh man it’s the contact couriers that really piss me off. I’ve had such bad luck with them (false delivery claims, wrong addresses, damaged packages, etc.) that I’ve stopped selecting same-day or weekend delivery.

“What he did, obviously from what you explained, is terrible,” the fraternity member told her, “but I do want you to think about what the consequences [are] with him and his future. …”

They have no idea what this word means, its not written in American language. 

Trump is a narcissist. As the child of a narcissist, I can assure you:

They spent all this time trying to salvage the brand never realizing that this is the brand.

In my experience, when a company starts talking about “silos” what the executives really mean is, “I’m going to lay off a bunch of people, regardless of their function or the need for their work to have a viable product. Then it will look like the company has made a huge profit under my watch and I get a big fat

I was SO HOPING this will make the rounds again. It’s such a perfect storm of misogyny, anti-LGBT imagery, gross sexual innuendo and just plain weirdness that if the sight of it pops gaskets in a just a few of the Trump army, it’ll be well worth it.

I dont have to have been at that party to know for a fact that Banks’ assessment of Crowe’s music is spot on.

She’s been coached to talk like an evangelical christian and avoid the ‘j’ word.

Those soundbites were a Mobius strip of saying nothing. It crossed the event horizon of meaninglessness and held up a mirror into the gaping chasm of redundancy.

check out sam bee. i cannot recommend her show enough. it’s been my release valve.

Fuck, I wish he was still on the air. Although I’m guessing most of his show would just be him sitting there going...

To be fair she was rather noisy and he was trying to catch some shut-eye between questions.

If this isn’t a perfect metaphor for what his party is trying to do to all women, silence us, then I don’t know what is.

Cue reports from all the women who have been harassed as kindergarten teachers. This guy is a fucking toolbag.