
“Bill Clinton said ‘retarded’ in 1983. That’s much worse!”

No no no, you’ve got it all wrong. He simply said that she sounds like she’s retarded. That’s it. That’s all! The liberal media is just spinning this non-story, like USUAL. It’s completely different to say that she *sounds* retarded, and not offensive whatsoever unless you’re a special snowflake with wittle baby

Minnesota here. Uhhh...have you been here lately? Most of the people live in a few, very liberal, very diverse cities, with new immigrants coming all the time. The Mini Apple has a huge Somali contingent that’s not thrilled about the anti-Muslim rhetoric, and a lot of Saint Paul is heavily Southeast Asian; the

True, but what the article doesn’t acknowledge is that the demographics in the US is going to be even less white than it is now. Appealing to white rage is losing proposition in the long term.

There’s a fab comment on that tweet thread, saying “Stephen Colbert is a political satirist. You’re a frat-boy looking for brown people to jeer at.” In a nutshell!

Bill O’Reilly doubled down by calling it “satire.”

Because in his mind he’s a nice guy, a good guy, a smart guy with lots of women friends. The type of men who commit sexual assault are bad guys, stupid guys, less evolved guys. Nice guys do not have to consider consent or boundaries or women’s experiences, because by definition they’d never do anything rapey, and if

huh. I’m no lawyer, but that seems like the story’s gone from rude & pervy to potentially felonious.

From the Buzzfeed article:

Thank you. Fuck people want to give pretty white girls all the excuses. Also see, Melania.

1000% better than “Fundamentally Broken, Physically Repulsive, and Repugnantly Evil” is still just “Fundamentally Broken and Repugnantly Evil.”

How so?

Trump does not merely grab pussies. HE DESTROYS BUSHES!

Party of Reagan propping up a legit authoritarian. Never have I seen the like.

I want one of the older, white Rust Belt dudes he’s been after to ask about his Chinese steel purchases. Up on the Iron Range of MN, those voters are LIVID since this came out.

Based on the ghost writer’s comments about his complete innability to focos for more thsan a few minutes at a time, I totally beleive these accounts of his terrible debate prep.

This is an insult to those of us with Attention Deficit Disorder.

Speaking of the question of why Trump doesn’t prepare, my most enlightening look at Trump voters this week came when my Republican father sent me a Peggy Noonan column about how voters needed to be better informed and not just rely on tabloid and surface-level coverage.

“If you go home with somebody, and they don’t have books, don’t fuck ‘em!”

Debate prep?!