
Who said that? Rudy taking office had nothing to do with crime rates dropping there. At all. Crime rates peaked and then started dropping nationally around that time and continue to do so - again, it had nothing to do with him or your police force. He did, like many mayors and losers believed they did something when

You’re so happy. Check the stats, friend, crime dropped despite your fucking broken windows shit. And it dropped nationally. Despite all that evidence your beloved mayor kept pushing to arrest innocent black men and other POC and, yes, ruining lives and killing them, too. It’s all there and your city is a disgrace for

Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser for face & body, it doesn’t lather at all, but it doesn’t leave my face ultra dry either. My skin is pretty sensitive and this is the only thing I have found that doesn’t upset it.

Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser for face & body, it doesn’t lather at all, but it doesn’t leave my face ultra dry

My theory is that he goes after her and puts her down because she is young and very pretty, and it pisses him off like nothing else that she doesn’t fawn over him.

Fun fact, she was arrested for shoplifting and was collecting unemployment benefits while working for the Ted Cruz senate campaign. Trump is only going to hire best people!

oh my god, can you imagine her covering the westminster dog show?! that sounds SO GREAT!!!

She’s manic pixie dream-shaped.

I made a new burner account because I couldn’t remember my password JUST to comment this BUT there is a book called “How to Disappear Completely” about anorexia where the author talks about how women who are small (petite and thin, basically) are romanticized to be mysterious and artsy because they are small (and/or

I disagree. If men only cared about the analytical, the run up to the draft wouldn’t exist and yet it is supremely popular on ESPN. On HBO, Bryant Gumbel and his Real Sports has been hailed as flat out “televisions best sports program” by countless media outlets and the viewers are almost exclusively male, despite the

People are emotional, you idiot. Except for the sociopaths among us.

Oh, please. It’s not like men don’t buy in to this either. Football for example is very much about the journey. Ever watch the run up to the draft? Jesus, nothing but sob stories. Ever see the press coverage about a player who has come back from injury? The in depth details about shoulder surgery for a quarterback or

I oppose the death penalty only because I worry about innocent people being executed. It annoys me that guys like Roof have no problem taking other people’s lives while being concerned for their own. He wants to live but didnt care that his victims wanted to live also.

Not only that, she is often doing some really sketchy looking work if you look closely. At least to me, a general contractor.

“Robotic” and “insincere” are both perfectly fine criticisms. So, in fact, are Sullivan’s “pedestrian” and “uninspiring”. People are free to disagree with you, but those are terms that are routinely applied to male speakers as well as female.

What a coincidence! It just so happens that there’s virtually always something objectionable about the voices of women who speak up in public. I’m sure it has nothing to do with internalized sexism. Just like how women are criticized for every vocal trait imaginable—saying “like” too much, upspeak, vocal fry—while men

You know the first time I have ever seen her act like the person that people have met her describe her as, rather than the persona that she's been forced to create is when all those balloons came down from the celling? Her simple unguarded joy made me burst into tears.

I have been looking for a reason to use this today.

I originally read this as “breast grazer.”

No, I think part of the reason he hates her so much is that she doesn’t give a shit about appearing to care about being attractive to men. He can’t sexualize her, therefore she has no value. And worse, it’s a woman who doesn’t care if he finds her attractive who will stand up to him.