
I want the two of them to guest star on an episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine, because Terry Crews’s fictional twin daughters are named Cagney and Lacey.

Wow, that website is something else...

There is room in my heart, and my pants, for them both.

i just want to say, as an arab, i love that there is an arab leading man that is about to be the internet’s boyfriend, and his arab-ness is not a thing that is discussed or pointed out or whatever. he happens to be arab. he is mostly hot. i am so happy.

Drugs, man.

Donald Trump Jr. sure does look like his dad.

No, just 2016, the Onion of years.

“People were amazed at how insightful I was”: not something an actually insightful person would say.

The Women is another one that holds up beautifully. Plus, it has Norma Shearer and a young Joan Crawford.

As soon as I read the headline I said to myself “MAKE THIS SHIT HAPPEN NOW!!!!!!!!!”

Funny how some self-professed progressives are going to “protest” the corrupt DNC by allowing their fellow women/minority citizens to experience the biggest setback to their constitutional rights in decades, if not centuries.

It’s, like, layered misogyny. Raucously negating a female who is speaking in support of a female.

I’m sorry, but Hillary Clinton’s first major political battle, the one that cost her a tremendous amount of political capital (much of which she has not gotten back) and which was the motivation for a tremendous amount of the hate she received from the right, was championing universal health care.

No, that is now how grown ups operate. They realize that a candidate may not agree with them on every issue but that they do on a lot of issues and vote accordingly. I’ve never found any candidate who agrees with me on EVERY ISSUE and I’m an old. Or do you give a fuck about reproductive rights, gun control,

I’m very progressive, in fact it would be fair to call me a socialist and radical leftist. But being somewhat intelligent, I can work out a fascist regime of Donald Trump is the worst ill of all, and thus am supporting Hillary full on. Hillary. Hillary. Hillary.

It’s proof positive that not all dumbasses are right wing. Like the dumbass that was interviewed by msnbc talking about how a Trump presidency would be preferable to a Clinton one. Naturally she was white. God save me from privileged white people who think it’s okay to embrace a racist over a candidate that is too

I love how “neoliberal” now means “not socialist” to the fresh baby voters on the left. Like, chill the fuck out, we aren’t getting there in the next decade or two no matter who is president. Now be a good little progressive and go get some fellow socialists into office so that next time you actually have some support

Jill Stein tweeted out an test she had taken where she agreed with Clinton on 91% of the issues. People willing to throw a vote away for a 9% disagreement are equally as stupid as Trump voters.

It's about both. It's fucked up that a foreign interest is interfering with our democratic elections, AND it's fucked up that our democratic elections could be rigged from the inside, or at the very least riddled with biased impropriety.

You’re entirely correct of course, but more importantly, I can’t believe it’s not being reported on that these were Russian hackers who obtained, filtered, and passed on this information, and how closely it all tracks with Putin wanting Trump to beat the Democratic nominee, and Trump’s support of Putin’s policies...