
it’s about gender norms (women are supposed to be thin and diminutive, not muscular) and representation (women who aren’t as thin as models exist, and we want to be seen too!) i want to see a bad-ass female superhero with pipes in a movie. that’s all.

Now playing

Yeah, but nothing can beat the season one (only season one) intro song and opening credits of Wonder Woman.

Her speech was well-delivered and surprisingly progressive, but why have none of her points about equal pay and working mothers ever been mentioned before?

ESPECIALLY when it’s been a suspicion of many that Trump’s entire campaign was built around building his brand. Something made more obvious because of all the peddling of his various Trump related products

Her Tweet promoting her own line is so tawdry.

But she talked about how her dad would do great thimgs for America!

Yeah, I liked her clothes before but refuse to buy them anymore. Sad!

Yeah seriously....I live in the South and know plenty of deeply religious people who are not insufferable bigots and genuinely embody the Christian values of loving your neighbor, not judging, etc.

As a gay atheist who grew up in Texas and only had super conservative Christian friends, I have to say..... they were all pretty warm, loving, and approachable. Just because people are different and believe in different things doesn’t mean they’re bad!

I get this isn’t a glamorous job, but is it really necessary to shit on this guy for working?

The hypocrisy of that Del Baccaro tweet is breathtaking. Melania is such a better person than Michelle when Melania stole Michelle’s words! WTF! I mean, so the same words from Melania are proof about her lack of anger or hatred, but from Michelle they prove the opposite? And they were Michelle’s words!

The appearance she made with Trump and the kids on Anderson Cooper months ago gave me the same vibe. Actually, all of her appearances give me the same vibe.

The Repubs applauded Michelle’s words out of Melania’s mouth and pretend they’re “just words.”

It was like she got to live the VS Angels gig that she never got.

It’s always funny to me that Clinton is considered dishonest but Trump has said so many things that turn out to be not true or false. Hm.

Trump is smarter than that- you know someone further down the chain like John Miller, or John Barron set this up. Plausible deniability, man.

She also Rick Rolled the audience:

Melania told the press she wrote the speech herself so let me just say I’m grabbing my popcorn.

Between this and the Trump/Pence logo, I am now convinced that there is a maybe not-so-small group of Republican operatives secretly trying to bring down Trump from the inside.

You know, we need more vague in our country, lots of great vague, we’re going to have the greatest vague and really vague the spirits of the Mexicans and the blacks. Vague even the gays. We’re going to have the best vague of any country in the country.