
I don’t think he was hacked, but right after I typed my statement I started realizing that the statements released by Gingrich, Trump, and Rubio sound suspiciously similar, so I’m thinking someone in the GOP crafted a message for everyone in the party to use in a crass attempt to woo voters of color away from Hillary

I’m thinking the opposite. Gingrich only plays to the middle when he wants something. My guess is that people have forgotten what a fucking goon he is and thinks that with one reasonable thing, he can erase all the shit he’s done to be an attractive VP.

I think this is his way of showing Trump he knows how to win in the South. The GOP doesn’t need 90% of the black vote, they need 20%.

I think it’s his way of becoming the anti-Palin, adding a much-needed dose of sanity to a ticket.

But is she one of those women that laments how tough it is because she’s soooo preeeeety? It doesn’t make a woman any less a feminist, it’s just insufferable.

Hannah also has a bunch of sex in Girls, so I’m less inclined to take the generous approach.. (which is disappointing because goddamn, why do women have to put each other down like this?)

No, a woman taking off her top doesn’t play into anything. Sure, there are going to be women who get jealous and men who slut-shame while jacking off, and people who desperately search for and point out “flaws” on any woman’s body. There are men who try to profit off and/or control women’s bodies by sexualizing them

I just copied this exact paragraph to also barf over. So...Lena’s not sexual, then? Because she doesn’t look like you or....?

Really? You’re willing to help risk a Trump presidency because your feelings were hurt in the Huffington Post comments section? All while generalizing Hillary supporters as “paid shills”?

That’s a terrible return investment for lame-ass shade.

Twenty plus years and untold millions wasted trying to frame the Clintons shady af and it boils down to a consentual blow job and a server with 0.04% potentially sensitive documents.

You have to realize just how radical it was that this nobody, who looked not so much like the sort of actress who would star in a Tom Cruise movie as the personal assistant to the sort of actress who would star in a Tom Cruise movie, was suddenly…starring in a Tom Cruise movie.


Now playing

“I wasn’t aware that a racial equivalent of a ‘guy’s girl’ existed.”

Someone on Gawker once responded to my comment pointing out his misogyny by saying, “Says the fat woman who men ignore.”

I don’t know who this person is or the details of the rape accusations but as a PSA Note to all men: if you want people to think you’re NOT a mysoginistic asshole try not to use the word “bitch” when denying that you’re a rapist.

You would be wrong:

To be fair most of the men on that list are there because they were in blockbusters, too.

LOL, all the comments on here shitting on Johansson.