
I understand that her son was dead and obviously she was grieving, and people often don’t like to see reporters at the scenes of tragedy, feeling like they’re vultures. I’ve actually held back a screaming friend when reporters showed up after our friends died.

Well first of all it doesn’t *need* to be specially made, if they make dresses in that size and have one they want to offer her I’m sure she’d be thrilled to accept. Second, I think it’s pretty reasonable to express disgust that you are starring in what will be a hugely successful movie — an act that, for the VAST

The first time I saw a man without pubic hair I laughed involuntarily for about 5 minutes. Not my thing

But that is how kids look! Your partners grew up in a society that fetishizes young girls bodies and praises grown women to the degree they are able to replicate them. Your partners aren’t child molesters and there’s nothing morally wrong for any given person to go hairless if that's their preference, but it’s a

It’s especially graceful of her given how annoying it must be. Imagine it - you’re a decent actress with 30+ years’ experience and a lot to say, and you’re making your big comeback with a big new show that has been well received - and in one interview after another, reporters keep telling you “forget telling us about

This is like Outlander and the rest of Diana Gabladon’s series being put in the romance section because book sellers didn’t see it as a general fiction book. The patriarchy sucks so damn much.

It had “Oh you sweet soul” which is equally condescending if not worse

Oh bugger off. He lived in NYC and shot fashion there, the stuff he liked. He didn’t have to like everything ever anywhere on the planet, nor shoot all of everything everywhere. It was not his job to make every human in NY feel pretty, nor every human on the planet to feel pretty. Sometimes (I know, it’s shocking)

I might have seriously had the ADT dude go outside to wait for the cops, then scream, “don’t!” at the top of my lungs and shoot this bastard in the head. I’m not sure that this old dog can learn a new trick.

That ‘more evolved’ argument is just the ‘boys will be boys’ argument wrapped up in faux-flattering pandering. Like, ‘oh, women are so much more advanced we can’t help but behave terribly in comparison’. Some real bullshit right there.

It’s because women’s worth as human beings in our society is reduced to their worth as sexual objects, and trying to exercise some control over how beautiful you are is something that women have to grapple with in order to survive, and that’s not something that men can experience in the same way. You can’t castigate

Sorry, this was a bad reply. But I agree with you! And I’m very sick of movies and TV shows and even, like, advertisements that profess to condemn something while directly and explicitly contributing to that thing they’re saying they condemn!

Obviously he’s suing him now for fame and money. If he didn’t go to the police when it happened, he must be lying.

How about this?


For people to go, “oh NOW she files a police report??” She can’t win either way, and I’m not about to judge any victim of DV for how they choose to handle their business.

Now playing

Have you seen that horrid cologne commercial with Johnny that’s on TV right now? It’s THE WORST.

HIddleswift sex would probably look like those car lot air army thingies that you see off the side of the road. Like two of those flailing at each other. All elbows and arms.

Also, nice job on the continuing use of the phrase Adam “Calvin Harris” Wiles - never forget this douche thought “Calvin Harris” would be a great stage name because it sounded ‘blacker’...