
That seems unusually high. Our mortgage is around $400k and our monthly payment is $1900 and change.

I’m just sitting here laughing that anyone is defending Blago.

I just want to know if any of these people offered an equal number of opinions on Trump’s and Sanders’ voices, and what those opinions were...

I hadn’t noticed how she flinched and pulled away as soon as he began patting her hips. He’s so vile.

Trump said last night he loved Cruz’s speech (and it wasn’t a surprise to him, he saw it a couple of hours ahead of time). Trump is putting on a show this week, and Cruz is his villain.

They’re evangelical:

The schadenfreude is even more delicious when you know the speechwriter who wrote Michelle Obama’s 2008 DNC speech had just been hired away from speechwriting for Hillary, when she ended her own campaign.

Oh my God, that’s hilarious!

Sarah Hurwitz wrote that speech for Michelle Obama, and has been speechwriting for her ever since. The NY Times just did a profile on Hurwitz last month. She still works for Michelle Obama.

What a douche.

Trevor was so awkward in that segment I was physically uncomfortable watching it. It made me wonder if there was some unspoken behind-the-scenes tension between him and Jessica.

I’m afraid to watch Clueless because I think she may have absolutely ruined it for me.

There are photos of Tom and Idris Elba leaving Anna Wintour’s house the evening before the Met, with Taylor standing just behind the front door, and then photos of her leaving moments later.

Alan has said in the past year he is sexually attracted to women as well as men. I’ll take him at his word.

Sometimes you need someone to throw a chair to show how seriously you’re harming yourself.

Oh my God, she really did that. Running to retweet it!

He didn’t say she’s overproduced or that musically her songs aren’t great. He cast doubt on whether her “great” voice is really her voice.

For my money this is the best tweet I’ve seen on the subject. lmao