
Not buying it. There’s no director more down to earth than Cronenberg, and he loved Keira.

In case you haven’t seen this already, Jane has replaced the article with an apology. Same link.

You get the unasked-for magazine subscriptions because you are in the magazine’s desired demographic. Your demographic info appears on the subscriber lists they show off to advertisors/potential advertisors. In other words your demographic info is more valuable to those magazines than the price of a subscription.

It’s the Baha’i House of Worship for North America.

As a high school student, I applied for a job at my local (excellent) record store because my friend (the only female employee) told me there was an opening. The manager was openly dismissive, even though I knew as much about music as anyone who worked there, and certainly a lot more about it than my friend did. But

You don’t even have to go to Bryan Singer. When have the male actors who have worked with Woody been held accountable for that decision or even questioned for that decision? Is anyone going to ask Steve Carell why he decided to star in Woody’s new movie? Is anyone asking Jesse Eisenberg? Nope.

Patton retweeted one of the media reports about his wife’s death. Obviously he’s comfortable communicating through twitter; I don’t think he’ll see these tweets as self-centered. And his opinion is the only one that matters here.

TMZ is reporting it is Prince.

The way this year is going, it probably will be Prince. But I hope not.

I forgot all about the NYMag personals! I used to enjoy reading them every week.

The woman in this video has commented on the YouTube video to give a little more detail. I’m copying her comment here (the link to the YouTube video is in the article):

You don’t “need” to teach anyone anything. What you do need (imo, speaking as someone with the same background as yours) is to find a way to let go of the shame and guilt that are at the source of your desire for others to suppress their experiences and emotions the way you apparently have.

Lemon juice and salt works well to clean tarnished copper, too. You can just cut a lemon in half, sprinkle the salt on the copper, and rub the lemon over the salt. I successfully used that and ketchup (alternately, not together, although you can) on my cheap-o RevereWare copper-bottomed pots for many years.

I don’t understand why you say Little Richard is “shamefully forgotten” when the article you linked makes it clear he is remembered and honored. I saw him perform at the NYC Hard Rock several years ago; it was a lifelong dream come true. I hope he finds pain relief and healing soon.

A couple of weeks ago, I boug this exact coffeemaker - Bonativa 1900 with the stainless thermos carafe. I’m really pleased with it. I’ve read some online recommendations to use it with a Chemex carafe and the Chemex paper cone filter, which I’m planning to try next.

A couple of weeks ago, I boug this exact coffeemaker - Bonativa 1900 with the stainless thermos carafe. I’m really

This is actually not a bad idea. In the old days they had to rely on customers paying invoices after they sent the product out, but they don’t have to suffer those losses any longer.

I feel like it is a bake that is not sponge and not bread. But there must be more to the definition.

I began watching this last week on a whim, ended up binge-watching, and am now jonesing for this current season. It is indeed remarkably relaxing.

This is possibly the best Obama photo I’ve ever seen.

Anecdotal confirmation here - mellow periods, mellow menopausal transition. I got one migraine, mild hot flashes for a couple of months, a little more hair here, a little less there, some fatigue, and that’s about it. Much easier time than my sister, who also had monster periods.