
You should tell her that if your uncle dies, the family will be putting her down at the same time.

Just added it to my Kindle! Thanks

The stank of desperation is strong with this one.

I love when politicians like Santorum have to face the hatred they've cultivated.

Isn't Us the Kardashian family's preferred outlet? Trouble in paradise?

Snopes says it's true:

As if she'd never done that in her act. RME

Twigs and Salma both look too stumpy for those dresses (which are beautiful).

She can file a form defecting from the Church, but what's the point? It's not like they collect membership dues. She can just be a lapsed Catholic along with the rest of us.

We're talking dream job.

I wasn't aware people rag on her acting. She NAILS Betty Draper.

Ugh, I was hoping we'd seen the last of her.

Her dating young dudes is pretty much the only thing I like about Madonna. Get it!

Hmmm. Amber Rose and I apparently looked shockingly alike as children. Wish I could say the same now.

That looks extremely regimented.

OMG! That's hilarious.

She was naturally beautiful. She's going to end up looking like Jocelyn Wildenstein, or Madame.

What are they? Wow, does that look like Kim.