
It sounds like Greg Ginn and his ex-wife are already divorced.

I made that chicken recipe that was posted here recently. It was easy and good. I have the apple honey cake bookmarked to try next.

I think Martha's holding a grudge because Gwyneth hired away her CEO.

It depends on which American you ask. Plenty of southerners would say there are positive aspects of the antebellum era. Northerners don't have that built-in nostalgia for a cultural heritage and are more likely to say there's no positive way to look at it. With over 300 million people, you're going to get a variety of

I've never met a man who's afraid to fart in front of people.

I find a simple "No" paired with an unsmiling expression does the trick nicely with a minimum of effort on my part. Makes them scurry away.

I really hope this moron reads what you wrote.

Stay in your house after dark.

I don't think being a pedophile (if he fits that diagnosis) excuses his actions, since there are pedophiles who stop themselves from abusing children. Being a pedophile doesn't take away one's free will or conscience.

"Special skills: Can play toothless characters with authenticity"

According to his wife, he refuses to get help. He's admitted to molesting multiple children. Those are choices he made, rather than turning to therapy. I think that's pretty monstrous.

He had one of his front teeth pulled for this role. I too am surprised that wasn't mentioned. At least cuts heal, sooner or later.

I always got the creep vibe from him, too.


It must have been extremely difficult for her to face this and speak about it. Good for her.

I'd never knowingly listened to Nickelback before. Now I know. Bastard child of Foreigner and Pearl Jam. Got it.

If you're careful, you could use a seam ripper to remove those pockets without damaging the shirt (I hate boob pockets too).

I think picking up a dog in that situation makes it feel insecure, too. My trainer told me dogs see a dog that's been picked up as a vulnerable dog, so it makes sense that a dog being picked up in front of strange dogs would feel vulnerable - which would increase the likelihood of aggression.

I've used the easywalk harness since my dog was a puppy. She used to be wild on the leash (even with training), and the harness made a huge difference.

Your advice on the first question sounds absolutely exhausting.