Here I was thinking I was missing a lot of football whilst over here. Apparently, I was wrong.
Here I was thinking I was missing a lot of football whilst over here. Apparently, I was wrong.
On the plus side, it's good to see someone in Chiefs Nation shooting loads in peoples' faces again. We miss you, Todd.
Bill Swerski: Hold on, hold on... Ditka...or Hurricane Ditka??
Finally, a voice of reason.
Yes. +1
In a related story, Jerry Sandusky died earlier today due to cataclysmic orgasm after hearing there were recently some juvenile cracks about the PSU locker rooms.
Police do not suspect foul play at this time.
Also, in fairness to Felton, he probably thought it best to stand completely still to avoid the possibility of getting run over by the And1 Live Tour bus after the carry went uncalled.
Sanchez: What was it you said, Tim? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. Was that it?
He's engaged to Hope Solo?? I never thought I'd say this, but, "Nice catch, Jerramy."
Looks like the Cowboys are in serious need of some press Wranglers.
I hope this Pete Gray doesn't sully the reputation of Pete Gray the professional baseball player. It could be easy to get them confused as both would give their right arm to handle some major league lumber.
Some people say Sabonis was the greatest passing center ever. I say let's wait another 5 months or so and find out for sure.
It was kind of Cleverbot to give you two choices, David, but why did you ask it how to get fat while never leaving your home?