
While I cannot debate the savagery of whitedom, it’s not like we’ve been properly equipped to advance....if anything because many of us that try to are automatically cast aside for not being “black enough.” I don’t spend hours of my weekends in barbershops anymore because I had to teach myself a skillset that allowed

Oh, I see. Reference Christy’s reputation as a thristy and you’re trolling. I’ll bet you also believe in “fake news’ perpetuated by “snowflakes”. Fresh take.

I don’t hear bitter. Astute is more like it.

I agree. She seems so desperate for attention. I am unreasonably annoyed by her.

Chill out, Chrissy.

She reeeeeeeeally enjoys the attention.

Ugh. Her. I would propose that everyone ignore both her and John.

So beautifully phrased:)

The thirst is real with that one. I think she can be funny and quirky at times but then I’m like, “wait, what are you famous for again? What have you done?” and then I get over it.

How come every time she speaks/tweets it sounds like some kind of monumental declaration??!! It’s not all such a big deal, sweet pea.

Honestly, we treat our pets better than this...the kid has zero chance of any sort of life...he’s basically a vegetable...this is why doctor’s need to have the power to stop parents from spending limited resources on cases where we all know the’s sad, indeed, but 1.7 million dollars could save thousands

Bingo. There’s no chance for a meaningful recovery and the child is in pain and will continue to be in pain. The parents’ decision is about what’s best for them, not the child. Which is why there are boards for advocating for the patient in the UK.

Sir. That’s short for Media Circus, right?

Styled by Picasso.

Don’t forget antonin scalia and otto warmbier!

Or his father.

I think you’re missing the big story, in that someone died and is tenuously connected to the Clintons. Will the Clinton murder spree never end? Will they continue to get away with all these killings? Vince Foster, Seth Rich and now Peter W Smith. When will these psychotic assassins finally be brought to justice?!?!?!?

I laughed so hard at this that I might need a new monitor. And then I got teary because it’s so true and we’re so fucked.

...”lovely”... ...yes...

... and at least Rob Ford was hilarious. Seriously, how much fun was it to read about that oaf?