
And he was Black and existed. Just the worst.


Wonder Woman is the same violent fantasy that 14-year old boys masturbate to, but now with a sexy straight woman drawing the blade across men’s necks.

So due to the depressing crushing hell hole that is our current news cycle I have stopped watching the nightly national news for the first time in my life, and honestly I feel much better now.


“Two women leading a TV show”, no? And not a film?

Bye Alicia

Serena is gorgeous, but are pregnant woman ever allowed a different pose?

I am going to love the sticker shock Schadenfreude for all the Appalachia Trump supporters from my neck of Ohio (where he won 75% of the vote.) You get the government you deserve.

People playing at being poor makes me crazy. It’s why I detest On The Road so much. If I wanted to listen to a bunch of middle-class white dudes wax poetic about issues that don’t effect them I would join the Republican party.

At some point in the first few episodes (the show made me rage-y and I quit), she behaves so unnecessarily terrible at her job that she gets fired, refuses her dad’s money because reasons, then GOES INTO A DUMPSTER TO FIND FOOD. I want to find the people who think that is funny and/or relatable, and punch them.

Gross. I’m grossed out. Is it weird I’m grossed out? Probably. Fuckit.

Is the correct title not Accused Pedophile Rapist Republican President?

I’m surprised they found an employee at all.

And C.H.U.D.s

Obstruction doesn’t work!

Apologies, it didn't sound rhetorical. Also, she's repped by IMG, a huge agency; you'd better believe that if there were any question about the images, any concern, they would weigh in, so I would say there is some element of creative control on her/her agency's part. SI isn't going to risk pissing off the agency that

First of all, I don't really give a shit about this cover. But, yes, women do have control over their actions at their jobs and can agree or disagree to do things. Parts of your Q and A are inherently sexist in that she's just being told what to do and is not an autonomous human being. As a woman who has a job on

I never said that she "deserved" to be torn apart. I said that she was well aware that her photos would receive praise from some and censure from others. And that knowing that she CHOSE to pose for those photos anyway. Because she wanted to.

Now you're angry because you realize how ridiculous your equating objection to a risque photo with people excusing rape. I understand that this is defensive anger and that you're too embarrassed to just admit how silly you sound.