
That kind of stretch can cause a nasty strain, dear. You should assert that “logic” with a little more care.

When all you show is unquenchable thirst, you don’t get to admonish people for heeding your call.

That is genius.

You failed to mention the shady murders of Fidel Castro and Debbie Reynolds. It is a killing machine!

The thought of being trapped underneath that sweaty drycleaner makes me dry heave. Jill Zarin’s oily fabric salesman husband is a close second.

That Dorinda must have married money because that aggressive arm-flailing and loud, drunk-ass obstinance tells me raised by dumb and poor. Girl is looking for a good head butt one of these days.

Millions are spent on choreography and around $42.00 on a playback track. You basically pay 200 bucks to watch recording artists dance to their records. Like, an hour of Britney’s mechanical cheerleader moves and I would have to claw my own eyes out. And don’t even get me started on the whole handing the mike off to

Another example of how whenever Trump lays eyes on a woman, all he sees is blood. His mother must have been lovely.

If she got a stylist, she’s paying big money to be trolled.

Rob Ford, the crack mayor, was more dignified.

He tweets instead of doing his job because he thinks that’s his job! And, he has no fucking clue what his job is. Don’t forget, before elected, he promised to relegate the “big stuff” to all the geniuses he surrounded himself with while he made deals for himself and his criminal family enterprise America. His cult

Yer, but Obama Hussein took them vacations and we had to feed that mother-in-law of his. And he wunt even a real Merican!

Trump intends to fuck with more than people’s health. What news are you watching?

Most Americans really don’t care what is in their food. Laziness and instant gratification are the driving factors when it comes to eating. If you don’t drop dead immediately from eating chemically contaminated food, it’s much easier to ignore. This is evidenced by the fact that it’s 2017, and as you said, nobody is

The Time Before Fillers. So quaint.

Alicia, honey, pick a thought and then stay with it. That gave me vertigo.

For the same reason the soundtrack is “gospel” and the and costumes are Balmain knock-offs: details matter less than holding the attention of overstimulated children.

Why would I watch this when I can take down all the wallpaper in my living room or have my gums plained?

Wow. You really had a disliking for this show.