
....and more eating out of dumpsters, turning tricks, and ending up in Lady Prison.

That’s cool, Imagine Dragons’ Dan Reynolds. Mormon Porn is all the rage. It helps put your creepy cult in a whole, new light.

?? She pulled her bottom down. It’s not a question of fault or blame. She had to know that by virtue of the fact that the shot was taken that there was a good chance that it would be chosen. All willing participants. All responsible, no?

I think the publisher asked for it because it’s what men want. It’s why (maybe) more than half the decisions regarding women, how they should portray themselves, and what they “need” are based on. Not more complicated than that.

The Trump’s are likely far more criminal considering a history of NY mob ties which go all the way back to Herr Fred and a lifetime of stealing services and money laundering on a global scale. Their luck is about to run out.

Good for her, but that baby had to be clutching that cord and puking its guts out.

Big Whoop. My mother pulled this shit on me not once, but for the first 16 years of my life. Not one employee ever came to my defense and I know I was exhibiting every kind of duress imaginable.

And Def-Cons. And comets.

Obstruction only “worked” from 2010- 2016, Mitch.

In all fairness, the Russians were told to “cut it out”.

These fuckers are going to need a whole prison wing to themselves.

He doesn’t care. According to him, “they’re a “disaster”.

Freezing them is so last year. Everyone knows microwaving is the way to go.

That’s my response. You’re way too sanctimonious for me to elaborate and have my “honesty” called into question.

I was hoping you wouldn’t bring Atlanta into the discussion.

I hear they do!

Um, I have lived in Georgia and my observations are informed by years of actually residing and travelling all over the South. Not sure how that makes me hateful or little, but I’m open to finding out where all of those blue, urban areas are. I am certain that the red far outnumbers anything even remotely blue. Where

True, but we can hope that those states can (eventually) be swayed by logic and the hope of humanity. Georgia, not so much. At all.

Let’s not lose site of the fact that this was an election in a Confederate state. And yes, the South is still a part of a very active Confederacy.

If Newt Gingrich could take a break from rimming Big Don for an hour a day, I think he would be the perfect match for the job.