People who fake cancer are at the top of my “World’s Most Horrible People” list. Fuck that!
People who fake cancer are at the top of my “World’s Most Horrible People” list. Fuck that!
To make a long story short my roommate (this is c. 2006) found a lost purse with coke in it under her chair at a Hollywood restaurant (yes, she’s a jerk and looked inside). Gave it to the waitress. 20 mins later a handler came (presumably to pick up the purse) and gave them each $1000 cash and paid for their bill. (In…
My parents had a lot of fertility issues so I’m an only child. Then suddenly when I was in college they had a pregnancy scare. My parents were both in their fifties!. HPTs were rarely accurate for her so we had to wait for a blood test. My mom ended up not being pregnant but watching my dad freak out about possibly…
I nannied for a Scientologist family too but they weren’t quite that crazy. They just constantly invited me to events and sent me home with pamphlets. I was a grad student so I always found a reason why I was too busy. I was fairly certain they were monitoring me so I was very careful. The told me to treat the kids…
Yeah, I’m not 100% sure we can trust either party in this case though. She probably is alive but locked up somewhere.
He just did his job serving what they asked for. They are the idiots who chose to DRIVE afterward.
Yours was so creepy!
Yeah, my cousin has actually been dead for three years and I dream about him every few months but now whenever I dream about my grandma he tends to pop up in there too. It’s sort of reassuring and nice but also sad.
OMG. What is wrong with people? All the children in these stories were straight up demons and I want to smack all their entitled parents who make them believe the world revolves around them. I also can’t stand the picky people who go to restaurants and treat them like grocery stores. Seriously lady, you want them to…
CHILLS. Oh god. I am so glad you listened to your instincts and were able to get away
My cousin and grandmother both died somewhat recently and I constantly have dreams that we’re hanging out doing normal things and all of the sudden in the dream I’m like, “Wait you aren’t dead?!” It’s so unnerving and makes me sad when I wake up because I miss them so much.
Holy shit. That is so awful. WTF!
This is sort of related. I’ve never told anyone other than my mother about this but I have a vivid memory of being about 11-years-old and we were at church having an evening prayer meeting (we did this two times a week I think). Our pastor “prophesied” somthing about demons trying to invade our space. My friend and I…
NOPE nope nope
yes, of course. Most (or all of these) are bullshit but really, really creepy & enjoyable BS!
not literal crap, but no I did not wipe.
Oh, it a very big thing! And this was in California but I think it’s even worse in middle America. Of course it depends on the church but usually it’s non-denominational, evangelical churches that hold these types of views.