Bet Franc

Tone deaf, yes, but it’s not like Knox and Kercher really knew each other at all. I think her friend was just trying to make her feel better.

From the article it seems they aren’t so concerned about the money. They are offering her an amount roughly equal to what 1/6 of the estate is valued at currently through sale of property. (Granted there is a lot of bullshit you can do to make it way less than she’s really owed.)

I started working as an adult before women were allowed to wear pants to work, and I’m only 4 years younger than Hillary. There’s a little part of me left that’s never going to take for grant the freedom to wear pants or flats to work.

That’s the great thing about living in Modern Times: women can wear pants now if they want. *somewhere, a rightwinger faints*

I remember she wore a skirt at her excellent 1995 speech in Beijing (“women’s rights are human rights”)— a pink suit with a skirt! Well, she was still fighting to find her style, any style that wouldn’t get her excoriated. Gawd, that was so long ago, how old does that make me...

I swear to shit I have been hearing about Hillary’s god damned “cankles” since I was 17 and campaigning for Clinton 1.0. I am so sick of it, I could vomit. I was disgusted when in one breath, she was berated for her work towards health care as First Lady and mocked for lack of bodacious gams. I heard about her legs in

My mother is 76 and shit like that comes out of her mouth a lot. I think it’s generational to a certain extent. My sister and I are super liberal feminists and lay into her for it, but at this point that ship has kind of sailed. The only thing women of that generation were instructed to do was land a husband and be

I have been looking for a reason to use this today.

I have pretty decent stems and I never wear skirts cuz they feel and look weird. I am a pants person 100% ( except at weddings sooo 90%)

Tim Kaine DOES look like a doofus. His jacket last night didn’t fit properly, a white shirt would have been better than blue, and he seems particularly attached to the hideous tie he was wearing that he wears all the fucking time. ALL that said, “haha he’s a bit of a goofball” doesn’t stop anyone from taking him

In fairness, that hat was terrible.

I’m a lawyer and wear pant suits on the reg. Also known as suits because nobody has a different term for the exact same outfit on a man. I truly, honestly don’t get the derision toward women wearing pants and a jacket.

No, only those people have sued them, not some random Tom Dick and Harrys from the street. Tragically, a lot of people were hurt or had loved ones who were killed that horrible day. Only some decided to sue. It is the lawsuit that prompted the counter-lawsuit. It is not some demonic grudge the theater has against the

People could stop suing the deepest pockets everytime something bad happens.

Explain that.

So if someone came into your house and gunned down a guest, and then the family of your guest sued you for not hiring armed guards for your house, you’d go bankrupt rather than do anything to defend yourself? You’d accept the loss of all your money, your home, a good chunk of your prospects for retirement because

They only owe because they chose to sue and lost. It's pretty standard that the losing party in a lawsuit may be financially responsible for the winners court costs (at least some states adjust it lower based on things like ability to pay and such).

But it was totally ok to file a groundless lawsuit?

They’re not demanding the victim’s families pay the legal cost. They’re demanding the people who initiated an unreasonable lawsuit against them pay the cost of that lawsuit.

Then maybe they shouldnt have tried to cash in on the deaths of their family members?