Bet Franc

Because more people speak those languages... I mean, that’s like saying teach kids outside of Spain Catalonian instead of Spanish... Furthermore, how would you find enough teachers to teach that around the country? If anything, teach the corresponding language to whatever region you’re close to... Say, in the Dakotas,

I think is more the illusion of economic improvement than real improvement or a clear policy. I obviously agree with all of the things you say, but as long as we look at those communities with disdain and like the unwashed dirty blue collar masses,we’re gonna have a hard time getting their support. We all need for the

But the tribalism is absolutely true for the dems.

Mochelle was wearing a kevlar on the dnc speech, I am sure... Probs with hillary is, she's tiny..

I mean, I prefer skirts, but I didn't know this was such an issue. Even in Latin America, people are like pantsuit sure that's normal. Mind you, where I come from it would be fresher to wear dresses

But the movie theater did not cause the damage.

But why would the victims sue the theater? That's a frivolous cash-grab... Funny how they didn't go for the little fucker who shot up the place.

I feel like it was unsatisfactory, but maybe she was king-making to get littlefinger off her back...

Say what you want, it is exciting.

I agree with you, and the cops should definitely look into that; however, she did plead with him to not go ahead with the shooting.

She probably had it redone every weekend, that's what my grandma did

I believe so. It's best to check with the doc, but I mean... You can pump N dump every now and then

IDK if she has a baby. And I do think nursing is the perfect time to have a drink because it will take your body a few hours to process the alcohol

Problem is: He doesn’t see her as a “woman”, he sees her as a mirror, so as long as he’s not going to fuck her (even though that Trevor Noah bit is funny as hell), he sees her as his twin sorta... In a father/daughter scenario, that does sort of trump woman... My dad is not as big an asshole as Trump, he’s just the

Thank you for that!

In many countries there is already holiday election days, usually Sunday because is the slowest day... So, usually only hospitals and whatnot are what's open, and people have to be given time to vote.

There was a time there when I had to do that, because my landlady/roommate was an asshole, and made me walk inside from the entry stairs because she didn't like the bike on the porch! I didn't like it because dirt... But... Asshole landlady

I listen to her podcast, she's pretty decent.

TBF... Old timy sex, only penetration and only missionary makes it generally better for the man than the woman... The democratization of oral, and masturbation is what's made it better

So... You don't have to officially get married, but for all intents and purposes, you are married... She's raising a kid in a straight relationship with you. Statistically, she's in an uneven and unequal arragement