Bet Franc

I’m seriously am hoping it’s satire but the idea of collective this and that has been done before. This is why I remain a moderate. Just so dumb ideas like this one are put down before they are allowed to flourish. I don’t even like the idea of people seriously discussing it because GF it actually leads to some kind

It’s not like at the end of the course, they pass or fail. Everybody has the right to breed even though so many shouldn’t IMHO. Parenting classes are normally there for people who are already pregnant and have that coming whether they want or not. I’m talking better life planning for people in general. ‘Here’s what

That is one possible take on this, and I agree with you, actually most of the time they likely don’t! Issue is that I do feel that people in better financial situations have, at least, the opportunity to provide better life/world experiences for their children and this in turn would make them better members of society

Our fertility rate is below replacement level - what we are doing works fine. Parenting classes are available. You really want the government determining who can breed? Like are we not getting a bit Nazi Germany here?

I’m not sure if this is some sort of rhetorical experiment, some sort of satire, or if Trotter really believes this. But some people who I am sure were serious have made arguments along this line.

I agree that cities aren’t designed for parenting it’s designed for traffic first, businesses second (Tourists third?). The bigger issue is the parental quality.

Right? I know life keeps getting more surreal with each passing day, but there were several points I thought this article was (intended as) satire. I’m still not 100% sure it wasn’t - and I feel like my satire-detector is pretty reliable.

Seriously, some of this seems like it was intentionally phrased as poorly as possible. It combines some of the worst impulses of the right and left into one terrible garbage disposal of an idea.

For any of these proposals to gain any traction whatsoever in public discourse, you’re at least gonna need to step up your semantics/public relations game:

If you’d floated this idea past me a year ago, I’d probably have nodded and said, “yeah, ok, why not, go nuts.”

Who needs parental bonding when a corporation can handle child rearing more efficiently?

Wrong conclusion. BAN CHILDREN! This whole survival of the species thing is WAY overrated. The sooner this sad collection of organisms called humanity dies off the better for everyone.

Kind of funny that the apparent answer to parental idiocy is to put people into collectives and concentrate that idiocy.

Since we’re speaking in hypotheticals, I’d kill a muthafucka who tried to take my son to be reared under the guise of collective “anything”.

Glad she did, who would write the article on cleaning cleaning expert off the grille?

I had a pound-of-butter incident back in college as part of a fraternity-style hazing ritual gone bad. I’ve also had the “bottle of red wine froze, cracked and then thawed on the seat” problem. What I learned in both cases tells me that neither of the options above are enough.

Regarding odors, I smoke cigars sometimes. Never, NEVER in the car, but there’s often a shirt or jacket in the car that I throw on before I do the deed. Kinda like Hef and his robe, only a bit more like a large shirt or a hoody. And precious few ladies.

I went to a meet-up for women in local politics and met a Slovenian woman who was running for a school board seat. She’s been a citizen for 15 years and has managed to build a MASSIVE community of Slovenian women in this small Minnesota suburb. She was brought over first, as a mail-order bride and she managed to

Killed a dog for her awful SO’s sake. She could’ve re-homed the dog, BUT SHE KILLED HIM. (ETA: Also, take good care of Ser Pounce. The Realm needs him!)

My sister is an immersion teacher on a reservation here in the midwest (she and my other sister’s family are at standing rock right now actually). Just a few reasons indigenous languages can’t be taught in public schools like Gaelic: