Bet Franc

Cristen is 90% joy, 10% too much feminism overthinking.

Although Beth is not glamorized in her sickness. Worth noting: she was supposed to be the prettiest one

I know this may sound crass, but swear all I hear lately is people talking about how no one talks about infertility.

Kind of like Bernie?

Oh, man... This is what I do not like about my fellow liberal leaning people... She's not equating BlM with Nazis, she's equating support of a political movement: they're both against uniform code. The military is all about do as you're told or get out.

I get what you are saying, but in Canada, there is also a bill for the stillborn, just not paid for by the parents... I mean, is not like the hospital says “aw shucks! This one’s on us”


But she could get a live-in nurse to do the same, and it wouldn't cost her 130 grand... IDK about how her dad is tho...

He is kind weirdly woke! His wife gets all the credit!

Hmmm... Immigration aside, conservatism makes a lot more sense for many groups of immigrants. EG: latinos. It doesn't make much sense for latinos to support the party that supports abortion, especially when Latin American countries are some of the most staunchly anti abortion places in the world. Plus, catholicism

What I don't get about old Hodor and old ned back in the begging is that surely ned would not have allowed people to forget his real name... Doesn't sound like Ned... He would've called him Wyllis, and everyone would have fallen in line..

I agree... Why is everyone more pissed at him than the adults?

Eh... It's a nice looking town

I don't get it... It looks like a tacky poncho... 🤔

The reason she’s still an important symbol is becauseshe did care and accounted for women’s menstrual pain, because she brought visibility to it.

It was over 100 years ago! No branch of medicine was much more advanced anyway... Selling it today is BS, but back then, it seemed like progress.

I call BS. The only reason this still exists is because it is sold as a snake oil solution to infertility.

I think the book makes a good meta point on why it is not good to overlook women, or have them be an afterthought

TBF to Melania, dumb husband choice aside, she seems fairly shy and private. She doesn’t seem to be seeking a spotlight. Michelle Obama for example, is! Although I haven’t heard much from Michelle’s family anyway.

I didn't know Clinton also dodged, but in any event, either is the same imo... Just because Hilary is running, doesn't mean he should be criticized more or less