Bet Franc

You make a good point, but rich kids can go chill in the Caribbean until the war is over...

I’m from Venezuela. Our country’s agriculture has been destroyed and the govt thinks that stupid urban gardens are gonna fix that.. It's easy to say that when you are a well fed hippie in a first world country

Firstly, I think you mean corporate oligarchy; oligarchist is something different.

I highly doubt that would actually feed a whole neighborhood. Plus, growing your own little vegetable garden is expensive AF! Not everyone has the will or know how or extra money to invest in small farming

Look up “farm to fable tampa bay”... A lot of so called farm to table don’t even source locally anyway.

What kind of crappy tampons did you buy her?

I feel ya, but I absolutely do not believe that gay dudes should get a pass on being sexist assholes

What you described should be an exception, not a rule! Try living in 90 degree weather and wearing dish towels to an outdoor PE class( not to mention, the awful shunning that has happened to women in history).

I agree with you! But that’s also why things like “painting with your menstrual blood”, and the lady free bleeding at a marathon make me mad rather than empowered.

Women don’t like urinals, but men sure fucking like them!

I was telling lady about the fact that I have long cycles, so basically that's what it will be like.

God! I just love you already!

I feel you! I think I too probably had worse than normal cramps, but you’re a woman now! What can one do?! Not that my fam was into shaming me or anything... But “it’s all part of being a woman!”

This! I love always infinity!

I’m about to blow your mind: I use period panties with pads! I use the period panties because they're better than the regular ones at stopping leaks, and they don't get stained, but the pads I like are super thin always infinity... Tampons are hell for me!

Why? I got no idea how that works!

Bro! Read! She's talking about the 70s! When it was in fact, disproportionately affecting women! For the love of GOD! Why is it so hard for men to freaking understand that some issues, or some specific circumstances to an issue affect women differently?!

You could just put the urinals inside a stall, or have a urinal room where people have to pay.. Tada!

DC does have toilet access in the subway if you ask nicely; ditto SF. (Some stations, still kinda gross).

You can certainly do as you wish, but I assure you the medical community does not require you to feed organic to have a healthy kid. As a matter of fact, I know doctors who are super pissed at the organic industry because it makes people afraid of veggies and produce, and then they can’t even afford the organic stuff,