Bet Franc

Cersei was everything to me this episode. Killing off her enemies with wildfire in a fantastic black dress while drinking wine and then taking the throne is bad ass. She is my new fave.

Nah, Sansa realized what a fucked up job being a ruler in Westoros was. I’d wait until Dany and Mad Queen Cersei killed each other before committing to anything

Ya, I wouldve been team Cercei if Margarie didnt die :(((

Being cared for by the Warden of the North and raised as his son, meaning he was trained in sword fighting and given all of the same care and comforts as his siblings even if he did have to sit at the end tables during feasts and endure Catelyn’s meanness. He had it better than most other bastards and common folk in

Yea, he also died, has fought against the dead, was nearly killed by the only woman he’s ever loved, had that same woman die in his arms, and almost died again in battle. His life’s been shit the entire series.

They might quabble at first, but brother Tyrion will quash the in-fighting and get them to ride those dragons together and kill the ice king and his merry band of walking icicles.

Sansa set Jon up to be King in the North, you think he wouldn’t have given her the headseat if she asked? Heck he didn’t even want the Lord’s room, Jon was almost certainly placed at the center of attention because Sansa wanted him there and probably with some protest from him. If Jon is the King in the North then

Seven hells, thank you. I’m not even a Dany fan, but come on. It’s worth noting here how Melisandre gently reminded Jon of what advantages he had in life despite the suckiness of being a bastard.

Of the four key families in the GoT world, one is basically gone (Baratheon), one is run by Jon Snow, and the other two are now presided over by women...not to mention Dorne, The Martells, and the Iron Islands “insurgency” are all female-led at this point. The narrative arc has been heavily themed on women elevating

Sansa failed herself in getting that position, unfortunately. She hid her wartime planning and as a result lost all of the glory. She was bad at garnering support in the North. She basically insulted Lady Mormont and made herself look frivolous, fucking up that potential feminist alliance with the best Stark loyalist.

She knew how to defeat Ramsey. She told Jon, but he didn’t listen to her. Dany also didn’t know how to rule, but she had good instincts and she acted on them.

But this way she can’t help Littlefinger too much cause she's not Wardeness of The North. Didn’t seem like she minded Jon taking it.

Technically, Jon is a real Targaryen. He’s not actually a Stark any more than Sansa is a Tully.

To Jon’s credit, he did try to give Sansa all the glory. He’s obviously not 100% pleased with how things proceeded.

But Jon is a real Stark!!!

OK but really how are all of these characters traveling so damn quickly. Get your timelines together, showrunners.

I could die happily in that library. I nearly wept as the angle got wider and wider... it just kept getting bigger!

Now that’s what I call a library !

Fall Out Boy is nobody’s thing. You don’t need to excuse yourself Julianne.