Bet Franc

I don’t think she told Jon because he was totally undermining her every time she tried to make any decision or advise him on the battle.

Sorry dear, if she indeed “pleaded with him” not to go through with the shooting, that has nothing to do with cause and effect. That means she knew he was planning to do something and that it was something he shouldn’t do. So unless part of her learning disability involves sudden amnesia, I don’t buy it.

right? like, as he was leaving the house with several firearms to go murder as many people as possible, she SUDDENLY UNDERSTOOD and PLEADED WITH HIM NOT TO DO IT and oops oh well it was probably too late for her to call the police anyway? nah, brah. she knew.

If she knew what he was planning, she’s complicit. I have a learning disability. I didn’t know it absolved me of accessory to murder.

Also, I recently got told by a woman that if I turn a guy down at the bar and am even the slightest bit bitchy about it, I deserve to be punched in the face by him. This is where some people are coming from. Also, when men screamed “I’D LOVE TO SPLIT THAT ASS” from vehicles, it’s not a compliment—which she took as me

If you see something, say something. Unless what you see is a guy being creepy and inappropriate, no need to say anything, cuz boys will be boys, y’know?

I tweet-yelled when I found out he where he was from, “OF FUCKING COURSE HE WAS BORN AND BRED IN OAKWOOD.”

lol we really are nerds for the most part. Our team’s only asshole was also the only kid in the team’s history who didn’t make the school’s GPA cutoff to play sports for a semester. (Twice, actually.)

okay, so since you can’t come out and say someone’s “probably a rapist” because that’s unfair, doesn’t it make sense that people are much much more willing to state AFTER something happens “oh yeah he’s always been creepy/weird/a little off”

Wax and dab? I too old for this world.

the people (women) who see the signs before it gets to this point are usually dismissed because he’s “awkward” or “socially inept” and are encouraged to “give him another chance”

Man: “Awww, why dont you give me a smile, I’m just trying to be friendly, you can at least be friendly back!”

That really is the only way to describe what he said. The words of a 7th grade fuckwit. I can almost give a pass to middle-school boys. To a college guy? Not so much.

It’s a power and dominance thing, I bet. He’s objectifying women and diminishing their humanity. Such a remark serves to humiliate them and make them feel self-conscious. He probably doesn’t really see women as people but as objects for his enjoyment.

I know. What do you say to that? Thanks for noticing? Between 6th and 7th grade I developed breasts. I walked into class the first day of 7th grade and immediately the class fuckwit yelled out that I must have gotten breast implants over the summer. The teacher was there and said nothing. What does one say to this

Oh I know, but I think in a case like this people who are supportive can be considered to have suspect motives, or at the very least to let their relationship with the convicted person overshadow the gravity of their crime, i.e. ‘My happy go lucky son doesn’t enjoy steak anymore!’

Jesus. Everyone “saw the signs” after the fact. Where are the motherfuckers who can see the signs before shit goes down. Those people would be useful.

‘I can see your tits in that swimsuit,’

the dad who thought prison was, like, way too harsh for a childish indiscretion like whatever it is boys do these days, lol u kno

For the first and - probably - the last time ever, I am siding with InTouch’s “journalists.”