Bet Franc

When she said she had to pay that much money in cash, my mind immediately went to our civil forfeiture laws, which allow police to confiscate money or goods that they believe to be illegally obtained. Sometimes their reason for saying your money must be ill-gotten gains is that you couldn't possibly need that much


It’s a great way to keep making it all about them. They can’t handle their guilt about how their misogyny actually affects real human lives. I want to staple this story to each of their heads with a tattoo that says, “I am responsible for this.”

I started crying in earnest when she finally had a drink of bourbon and toasted “To Spartacus” with her husband. Absolutely lost it.

This is simply reality but it is scary and heartbreaking and so many people do not want to face it. So instead of admitting that this can happen (and actually isn’t all that rare, considering) people want to believe that late-term abortions are because irresponsible sluts just want to be able to party or some

Hi, as someone who is adopted, thank you. <3

I was blown away by how hard this woman worked to stay pregnant and have a healthy, or mostly healthy, or even pretty badly impaired baby.

That’s what get me too. All those republicans say they “support” abortions in late pregnancy for the safety of the mother/health of the baby don’t want allow Dr. hern’s type of practice to exist. This woman had to jump through major hoops to get a legal abortion and she was successful because she has a good support

Ugh— you probably also had to deal with the well-meaning strangers talking happily to you about your pregnancy.

I think that’s a very pretty way to say it. I personally actively desire to never get pregnant or have children. These articles frighten me further and make my desire to avoid it even stronger. I wish this woman all the best and hope she is able to have her healthy baby someday and be mentally healthy again herself.

I had a full-term stillbirth and I related to so very much of this. I can’t even fathom being in a position where making a choice and being forced to jump through a million hoops to see that choice through were part of the equation.

I agree and know you don't mean me. Studying enough biology and you learn how it can go wrong in frightening ways. People need to understand that and realize these women are doing the best that they can.

Thanks for publishing this. Abortion and its circumstances are incredibly personal. No woman should ever have to qualify the decision to have one, or be made to feel shame in addition to the pain of losing a child that was very much wanted.

The sad face sticker on the door really hit home for me.

Ok so this made me physically sick. I knew pregnancy could get ugly but I had no idea this ugly. Jesus. I hope she gets counseling and shit ton of support from her loved ones. Also I hope she goes to HR on that boss of hers.

I’m assuming because recovery from the labor she did have would be far less severe than from a C-section. I’ve never been pregnant, but my understanding of a C-section is they basically take you apart and put you back together again, and there’s usually significant internal scar tissue as well. I just had my ACL

Thank you Jia, and thank you, Elizabeth. Telling and publishing these stories is vital to keeping abortion safe and legal. We need more of our stories out there.

I had an abortion at 20 weeks for chromosomal abnormalities. The baby would have lived, but there was no way to tell how much brain or organ function would

This is so important. I’m glad this woman chose to share her story. I think the most telling moment was when she asked Jia if she was okay hearing all the details — these stories are rarely told, partly because they are so hard to tell and hard to hear. Thank you for telling the story so that we could all hear it.


Sorry, this is not directly relevant, but : Ooooh, pretty new layout! Such responsive! Very internet 2016.