Bet Franc

So she’s saying the rich black family shouldn’t live in a nice neighborhood?

Ben Carson was so close

Speaking of stimulation, avoid consumption of sexually aggressive food such as tea, candy, cinnamon and peppermint. Said Kellogg, “Tea and coffee have led thousands to perdition in this way. Candies, spices, cinnamon, cloves, peppermint, and all strong essences, powerfully excite the genital organs and lead to the

Did anyone listen to the This American Life recently with a woman describing her life after her genitals were mutilated in childhood? It’s a devastating piece but just so well done. She talks about confronting her mother who had the procedure done to her daughter even though she had also gone through it. It’s so

nope. i feel fine. i have mirena and i got it last august. immediately my period was lighter. my last period was november. yesterday i had the tiniest bit of spotting, but wiping after peeing took care of it. i feel fantastic and i don’t have a period! no more cramps, no more period shits, no more tampons and pads and

“It’s our identity.”

For women who suppress their periods: Do you look and feel bloated every month (or even all the time)??? The once or twice I’ve tried to skip my period by not taking the empty pills, it just resulted in a longer period by way of never-ending spotting.

It’s an interesting choice of words for the reasons they explore above—that the pain of rape never leaves your body.

I thought ser jorah lord of the friendzone was finally going off to just die already

I'm pretty sure Sony is the one forcing him to allow the performance. Which I am okay with.

If he’s the pimp he doesn’t have to force her compliance anymore, that’s already been secured.

I think that he was worried she’d perform “Til it Happens to You” again. Maybe she should go with “Me and a Gun”.

This fuckin’ guy.

“Now that my refusal has gone public and created a backlash, I guess I have to let her perform.”

Someone leading or supporting a movement isn’t the movement. The ideals are. I hope he is treated appropriately after this is investigated, whether it is criminal charges or his name being cleared. It’s a serious accusation and deserves to be treated seriously and investigated thoroughly.

“Hindsight is 20/20 and in my desire to help her as she was displaced, I did not protect myself,” Wade writes, “As I did not know her or her prior behavior other than substance abuse that I was told she had ‘kicked.’”

Maybe it marks me for an old cranky woman, but all I could see in that picture was the messy room. Is she banging a 15 year old boy whose mom is on vacation?


me during these updates instead of a popcorn gif

A good teacher once told me... look at the last thing you wrote; put it first, and delete all the rest. I still haven’t learned that, and neither has that jerk.