Bet Franc

From what I’ve seen, there’s a whole lot of dudebro types who support Bernie because of his politics on pot legalization and the minimum wage but honestly couldn’t care less about the rest of them, much less call themselves “liberal” or “progressive.”

One star = 1 prayer

No, they want women to vote, you just need to listen harder when they are telling you who to vote for.

Yes! I would prefer Hillary by a slight margin but I love Bernie. He’s respectful and passionate and seems like a great guy overall (who is surrounding himself with likeminded staff).

It must be hard to consider yourself liberal and progressive and just hate women with every molecule of your being. That must be a real challenge during election season. We should pray for them.

“Clitrash” is acceptable language but “shit” would jus be vulgar

D) All of the above.

Smart call. Maybe you will convince him over the period of time. And I get not having enough money to invest long term. In my country, there is something called a recurring deposit, where you can put in as little as 1 dollar (in equivalent currency) into a tax free interest savings account. I hope you find something

One of the things I learned early on is to buy jewelry in case you need to sell it one day. It’s a common immigrant tactic for staying afloat and keeping money on you when you need to run quickly that I don’t think westerners quite understand. So whenever I see people complaining about people on welfare wearing lots

When I was single-parenting (and getting only sporadic support from the Exhole), I had to get a childcare subsidy in order to keep my job. I couldn’t keep it and pay the full price of daycare and eat. And I was already getting a discounted rate because my daughter was in a daycare that I’d taught at for 5 years and

Thank you! I understand the sentiment but in reality many people literally are living paycheck to paycheck.

True story. Still, knowing what an exit strategy looks like is step one, or step zero. It’s hope, and it’s real stuff.

and that people who are doing important hard work (like you) aren’t on the brink of needing help yourself constantly.

easier said and all that...

absolutely true, but so difficult in practice for people who’ve never been majorly f’ed over before... until recently, I was pretty lucky in putting all my eggs in one basket and having everything work out.

It is consistently difficult to explain how fervently I believe in this to my lovely, sentimental, romantic-at-heart boyfriend. It’s not that I don’t trust HIM, but that I need these sorts of things for my own sense of security/independence/wellbeing.

I know someone who got pregnant due to a one-night-stand. She was young and dumb and on her first REAL vacation. She hooked up with some guy (who had no condoms but tried to find/buy them). They tried to do the withdrawl method but yeah, that DOES NOT WORK. She ended up pregnant and has no idea who the bio dad is.

Not to mention that it’s not precisely cheap to fly replacement staff in to replace someone who became pregnant... and that’s not even counting the drop in efficiency from adding a new team member who has to fit in first...

Well, if you’ve got 500 of them... ;)

DICK WIG! I’ve decided to call it “The Trump”: