Bet Franc

lOl... Ditto for flamenco dancers: edge of the seat, back perfectly postured.

I live in a small city, sorounded by a lot of countryside. Maybe we're picturing two different situations if you're picturing big city dwellings.

I guess that makes sense.

I feel like maybe a more positive way to do this, would be to have materials like books, maps, etc that you could peruse to learn about how foods mixed and created new dishes. Basically, history of food. I don't think that's bad, or even the name.... I just think that her description is a bit cringe worthy

I understand that. I meant more like in a general sense... If you’re poor in the US, you can still have an actually built 4 walls and a roof house, insulation, probably heating and even A/C. Plus, running water and gas distribution are generally reliable. I can also say that the car dependability and the absolute lack

I can see that. I almost lived in an old house broken into four, where the entrance was through the bedroom...

I can see that. I just guess that laundromat culture isn’t much of a thing, as maybe paying someone to do laundry in their home like the mom in “Hairspray”.

Cool. I’ll look into it

Huh... I didn’t know that. I’ve never seen diapers behind the counter

I kinda love this idea 👌🏼👍🏼 😹😹

The way that I see it is this:

I think calling it a luxury is a stretch when people living in trailers can access them, and the running water necessary to operate them.

So, I’m from S.America, and pretty much all buildings, houses that were not super basic built with teeth and nails are built with the hookups... There is not much laundromat culture there... I get not all landlords providing W/D in everg unit, but why not build the building with hookups?

I had to google it! Are you shitting me?!

CJ was bomb.

I once bought this outrageous 30 rolls of paper towels thing on amazon, and we had to split them up lOl...

Yeah. My boyfriend and I don’t have kids, but we have 3 pets. That, plus our stuff... A lot of storage gets tricky... Not to mention, that no matter what you do, things get messy so quickly in a small space...

On my mom’s sidr, this was grandpa’s job: 2 teaching jobs and do some diapers every night...

As long as that solution includes men doing their share... Why is it that everyone assumes all grandmas want nothing more than to do kid raising 2.0?

So, unrelated question: what are Google $$ and how do you get emmfor free?