Bet Franc

I don’t think it’s because of SAHM, it’s because earlier showings are:

Deadpool was not a freaking kids’ movie! I saw a mom oohing and “oMG-ishing” with her kid, and I was like what?! Whatcha doing bringing your kid to this movie? :O



The knocked up thing... Well, didn’t neighbors get written with the wife to be in on the jokes precisely because of Seth Rogen’s wife saying this to him about women in comedy? It seems that everyone was OK with him pushing for a fun wife in the movie, rather than the nagging one.

Really?! I’ve been wanting to watch it, but can't

Is not on Hulu, and I got no cable... IDK where to watch :/

Thanks. I'm glad most people are not taking the confusion badly; I also think it reflects the fact that maybe a lot of us are like don't rebrand a black thing as a white thing, but don't know exactly what to think of this particular style

How shitty for the daughters :/

Can you provide an example? I thought boxer braids were more like 2 tight braids? But apparently not?

So here’s the thing... I’m not American, but I remember last year this same website, and maybe even same writer throwing a fit because Allure had a white girl afro tutorial... So, everyone on the comments was like “you should call it something else when non-blacks do it” ... So, I totally get the re inventing the

I actually love they call ‘em “Elsa braids” ❤️

Yeah.. It’s really vague... But it irks me that it’s designed specifically for men to wear.... Also, F21 has a men’s section?

I can see your point. I only meant is different in how it impacts our perception... Like damn, 3 is already a handful. But you made a good point.

So it's OK so long as you pay a bunch of tokens for PR photo ops?

Goblins and elfs, et al she took a lot of those from english lore...

I absolutely disagree with not being “allowed” to discuss the native american “sacred cows”... Cultures can be explored and criticized, and so can religions.

Did she visit Salem or has been grilled about asking Salem scholars about the real story? This story here seems very tame, not at all a mockery...

FWIW, I think it's more patriotic to have the nice people help and become foster parents, than it is to be in the military or doing mission trips telling brown people they need to worship the right kind of Christian God, their church specifically... Like it would be awesome if instead of telling people you need to get

Maybe it's different cos your aunt only had the one kid?