Bet Franc

I agree everyone is free to choose what she wants, but it feels like filling up the house with kids, and then being nope, not good enough... That doesn't mean I'm right, but I get why OP might have the opinion she has

I’ve done the whole “I have a boyfriend” and gotten “I don’t see him here right now”... 🙄

I’m sorry that happened. Your instincts seem very noble.

Uber does have the option to share a ride, in case you want it to be a bit cheaper...

Isn’t a commercial license the ones you get for trucks? I’m sorry if I’m misunderstanding

Uber already has background checks for everyone

Lyft is not yet as big tho... That may account for that

Even if she did, it would have been too late to back out at that point... You can’t just walk out of set... That’s not how these contracts work... (Ask Kesha)

I’m not a fan of hers, but come on... She was playing a character.. That’s what actors do... It’s like saying “if you’ve never lost a child in real life, you don’t get to play a grieving parent on TV”...

She's said instance after instance of stupid race shit that no other person of any ethnicity would ever get away with... How much credibility could she have had?

Oh, please... She just wants publicity so she can get in on the game... Everyone is paying attention to the loud mouths RN.

I love this comment... I don't demand she be an olympic athlete, but the pedaling of dad lifestyle bullshit is annoying

This was great, but come on! These are waistcoats, not vests ;)

Except when he's mad at Planned Parenthood, and willing to slam them, even after all it's gone through this year

Here’s where the Edwardian ghosts of mysoginists come to life like “didn’t we tell you that it would be a bad idea to pass the 20th amendment?”

Yeah! We’ve talked about it a bit. The way my bank works, a savings account is only $25/month minimum. I just have to keep up with that.

That’s more or less what we want: we each receive money on our individual account, and then put money on the joint one, just enough for expenses. The thing is: I tried explaining to him that maybe having a savings account together and then a separate for him(I already have both types + CC), would be good and we can

Not just that... Life events happen... Insurances don’t cover everything... Medical or otherwise... Or if your house gets blown away by tornado, natural disasters or “acts of God”, are not always covered... Etc... Yeah, life events happen even when you do everything “right”

I think my aunt does something like this... She got divorced from a shotgun marriage.. And IdK I think that there was emotional abuse or threats or whatnot( I was little when her divorce, so I only remember her current husband) and we were doing some errands(with a few fam members), and she said in a stealthy way

Same could be same about the gluten-free bullshit... You have my sympathy if you have celiac.. But that’s it... Now cold cuts say “Gluten free”