Bet Franc

Surgeons, trainers, private chefs... I bet you she will drink gaterode after exercise, but eat unsalted food or something like that

I’m sorry, but no... This whole ginger wagging at kids today is silly, especially in the US(I totally understand not all readers are Americans, I’m not one myself).

I agree, except their relationship was awful.

He’s your concubine....

The only reason to get married ever... 😂

I understand where you’re coming from, but that is no longer the “correct” way. I mean, if you just send surname and surname, who’s gonna be mad?

Awww man! :(

I don’t even know you can call this a “rights” issue... The problem is this is all rather subjective... I mean, at least with athletes one can correlate performance with health factors, but here is all about what the designers and photographers think “look” good...

I know someone who didn’t change it because principle, and thought of hyphenating, but it sounded like a rude nasty thing, and now socially the use what whould ve been the hyphenated nMe as portmanteau for fun...

Etiquette-wise is passé and disrespectful

I’ve seen old news reels of First Ladies being referred to as “Mrs. President name”. That's how it used to be... Not even your first name...

Having to pay for the thing, and wasting time at the DMV or SS office is not “painless”... But def easier than it is for men.

Yup. What's BS is that it's all patrilineal. One should decide whose name goes first.

Wait! She’s legally just Hilary Rodham? Does she only use the Clinton as a social/political thing? That's awesome !

I think she meant as a trial run husband....

She could look it up on FB, she could save it to her contacts... She could do coco P.

Gotcha. I just wasn’t sure he was “raised” by/with the dude.

Really? I actually feel like Stewart soft balled most of his guests.

TBF, the shooting of the mom happened when he was 25.

I was just telling my BF this! Long drawn out jokes are not the best. He's at his best when he's just on this side of offensive. He's mocked the looks of both Fiorina and Clinton without being sexist... But it was edgy. He also does well when he does more physical comedy.