Bet Franc

The other day I went to get chinese and said “fried chicken” instead of fried rice to the black dude handling my food.. I felt so bad... But it was comical.. But I felt shitty

But... Why was he so against it to begin with ?

The verbal diarrhea was cute for like 5 min... Now, it's all too repetitive

You know.. How about next time you just let him say the whole thing that needs to be done and then be, Ok, but is it “we” or “you”... And then be like “why should I tell you? You clearly know” BOOM!

OK. A.- I was raised as a prissy princess in a country where you don’t have to pump your own gas.. Now I’m always stuck putting gas in the car. It’s like he plans to use just enough so it will beep when I drive.. I’ll take that over “hun, did you call your mom?” Gas takes 10 minutes or less every week. Nagging him to

My 2 cents: my SO and I make it a point of pampering each other when sick.. I think it’s good policy regardless of the gender politics. Don’t feel like you’re on gender war all the time.

Like.. What humblebrag and what about overalls? I did not see any of that on my previous answers. Sorry if I missed something

I agree with the point about femininity, but not sure to what you’re referring

Think of it as an ode to cosplaying fantasy ;)

TBF tho... Filthy goat seems to be coming from a place of geniune curiosity, rather than judgement, but preach it!

Preach it, girlfriend! I h8 when ppl wanna get all Victorian about my makeup...

Think of it like cosplay: you do it for the heck of it. It’s a point in and of itself. Is not like most women are gonna be wearing wings and feathers for their S.O

All I’m gun say: AWWWWW!!!!

I agree 100% with him. But then again, I mean it, whereas fashionistas apparently tend to speak in backhanded compliments and shade?

OK, I was using hyperbole. I think that focusing on their accomplishments and qualifications makes it look less like a token thing..

1.- Not even Justin Timberlake? Are you like 19? Am I an old?

I just wish he would have taken the BS gender politics, and treat it as a “they’re right for the job. Period”... “It’s 2015” sounds a lot like “because I want the feminazis to like me”.

I understand that about there having been qualified women before, and I agree.. I simply think that he made them sound like tokens, rather than put an emphasis on how they're the right fit.

I know. What I meant to say is that he shouldn’t make it sound like he’s hiring ladies just to fill a quota, but because they deserve to be there. Basically, I don’t think he should hire them as tokens, so maybe highlight their skills and how deserving they are.

I def agree is a horrible retouching job altogether.. But I guess my immediate thought was they didn't want her to look too pale because people would be mad at that as well...