Bet Franc

Oh, man.. That must have been rough for her..

So not because they're qualified?

IDK.. He seems cool, but it sounds like a bunch of tokenism... His answer should’ve been “because they’re qualified”...

OK, so here's my theory: Chick-fil-A in TN was bought or opened by a gay couple precisely for this purpose... It was a long con...

Honest to goodness question: most people bitch when lighter skinned black girls are given too much press or when they’re shot in ways that makes them look lighter(assuming that it’s cos of production lights, not photoshop). Now, I honestly thought in this pics she looked a bit “pale” compared to the headline pic, so I

If it makes you feel any better, she's def wearing makeup, even fake lashes, and that hair is probs fake wet.. Is a very nice no-makeup makeup tho...

Oh yeah! You're right! And she had 2 kids back to back, no?

In the original article, it said people believe he was coerced or just confessed because the cops wore him down

TBF, the girl said her mom supported her. The KC star article was much more detailed.

Kansas City is divided across state lines. IL ur articles, but you’ve been dropping the ball on fact checking.

I think that overall I would agree that a true matriarchy where women hold all or most of the power doesn't happen..

I think you mean ¡Jeb!... He’s super multicultural... Remember that...

I sort of kind of thought this might be a good idea because the boys would be going with their moms rather than dads, which means they're associating a science related event with a female figure, rather than it being a boys club type thing... But... Ahhm.. IDK.. Not a good deal all around

IdK... Why not be like latinos? We all dance..

I don’t think it’s bad they have a similar activity with their moms.. I mean, is like that other story about girls getting “emotional teaching” class whatever and boys getting an elective in math or something like that.. I’m totes pro-girls getting more STEM incentive, but I also think that the “girly” things can be

I thought early matriarchy was disproven tho...

I thought the same thing... I did not know about this...

They should call them voldemorts...

Having grass vs more concrete also helps keeps your house cooler, I think...

Really? I love leslie, but her pantsuits are so stern and drab... Later seasons she gets more fashionable and sophisticated... But still...