Bet Franc

That’s what I was thinking... Later sundown works better for modern society. Because after leaving work, you still want to do shit.. You're not like done farming and having dinner @6, and bye off to bed

Not to mention, these are the people who defend things like not paying your workers if they break a leg walking on the snow to work... Nope, no healthcare for you, no sick leave, no paying you when you're not working and wasting my money... But pay me 6 figures to spread this BS... Talk about a welfare queen.


Oh, gosh... I feel so bad for you.., honestly, I truly don’t want to be an asshole, but like.. Don’t you think that the good parts “being louder” is also social conditioning? “Parenting is hard, and also so wonderful”... “Motherhood is driving me crazy, but I love my kids” “I had a natural delivery, no drugs, I

Man, all her maternity clothes look so tight.. Both pregnancies... I don't get it... There's fashionable garments out there that aren't the super tight dress thing

I have a history of depression, and that worries me even more than labor or normal pregnancy stuff..

I think if I may insert myself, that you and lady C, may love the people they are, you just didn't want to have to parent said wonderful people.. ;) that's OK

.... Contractual obligations?

You could have a baby right now if you had adopted.. Do to your body what you want, but that doesn’t mean anyone owes you liking their bad symptoms... You’re all like “people don’t get to tell me what treatments to try”, but you're saying you would tell women to STFU...

Team auntie! The gr8 thing about aunties is that you get to come home to a quite house, take a break, do it again when you feel like it

You too had a case of the wingardium leviosa? I just can’t with that name!

I too don’t usually like Kim, but good on her... No cynicism.. Also, Queen Victoria hated her pregnancies as well. And honestly, poor woman, back in those days with no BC... She must have REAAAALLY loved Prince Albert.

Fun fact: my dad’s a STEM dude, still uses legal pads :P

At first, it didn’t sound creepy because my mom does that to me all the damn time.. Or at least, when I lived at home she did...

I’ve both read and heard about this in real life... It makes me sad.. It's hard to divorce the guilt over sex from now we're married and it's OK

That might be the best, most accurate definition of sex I’ve ever heard...

I feel like your woman card should be revoked for that BS...

Came here to say something similar, about false equivalence, but of course, you had already nailed it!

This, and the Star Wars trailer “controversy” got me thinking there has to be a new term to define this kind of BS outrage mongering...

I’m pissef for you, if that matters at all. My understanding as a foreigner coming from a place where yes, people default to the dude’s surname, but don’t erase your own name, is that supposedly, if you wanna be uber formal, that’s the title you use... But it’s fucked up.. People who write style guides should start