Bet Franc

As a non-American, it boggles my mind that this is such a big deal, and that as you say “just taking the dude’s name is mainstream”.

Yeah.. But that dress would've looked much more glorious in red...

TBF, I’m from South America and the gentleman behavior is a big deal. Like.. When I was a kid, my dad would make me open doors for women and wait for them to walk inside some place. My American boyfriend is totally clueless when it comes to opening doors or chairs.. When we hangout with hispanics(not often in this

It reminds me of how when I was a kid, I was told not to frown or my face would stay like that.. Basically, never be anything other than pretty

My dad would have said I’m acid and garlicky...

OMG... The other day I was with some friends, and I was like “I don’t think I could have kids, I got no patience.. Yours are super cute and great, but there’s no guarantee”.. And I think she thought I meant “pretty”, even though she has both boys and girls.. I was like “no, but like.. They act cute.. You know..

1.- I might need one of those chairs, because I kept laughing at the name “Fagot”. I know... I know...

This is obviously awful, but I feel I’ve heard kind of the opposite, like “your son grows up, leaves to have his own family, but your daughter/s are always there to take care of you”, meaning that daughters always have to be close to their parents and relatives and are the only ones expected to take care of them when

I think is a lot to do with what the studios expect people to accept. These women are saying they don’t feel is OK to push for more, so the exec lady’s kinda got a point saying she's not giving out money for free

Not to mention: you’d think this is all like the studios throwing money at the pretty actress, but not so much... And if even at the top is so hard to get equality.. Also, when they talk about negotiations, they maybe have this idea of “I’m even being paid, so whatever..” And then, I wonder if that also has to do with

I don’t understand this. No, apparently they haven’t changed if women always have to be caring for kids even in professional environments. I mean, for heaven’s sake.. Even PTA-meetings are kid-free

I mean.. I totally understand if someone couldn’t get childcare that day or something, and I get what you’re saying about men being given a cookie for doing the bare minimum, but I don’t think it is the norm for men to tote around their baby in this type of setting. And it would be the norm that they don't. I don't

I understand what you’re saying on “very loud” and fair enough. I shouldn’t be so annoyed at you.

If your phone goes off, it is likely you’ll be asked to go out. In fact, some college professors and even theaters have “zero tolerance policies”

All this lady is showing to me is that it is always, no matter what the mon’s responsability to be a mom 24/7 (I mean, not that you stop being a mom, but like actively with her kid in tow), no matter what else you’re doing. It is not men’s problem at all

No, I’m not judging “a class”, which frankly, in this case, sounds a lot like if a Christian says that if they can’t come to a non-Christian specific evnt to proselytize... Oh, Christian persecution, and silencing... This lady had someone come and tell her that her precious bundle of joy was in fact being very loud

I think it is a but too much to compare to victim blaming, because she's not a victim, she's just trying to play martyr. I think we all know that to parents their kids are not as disruptive as they are to strangers... Even dads... This was simply not the right setting for a kid.

Dogs are easier to train to be less disruptive though...

Is work, sure, but is not “a job” anymore than doing your laundry or cooking your own meals.. Of course, it is a lot more responsibility than a pet... 2 different things, but not every space is suited for kids, and if your kid is your job, then part if that job is keeping your kid from being disruptive in public

Then why don’t we ask the same of fathers? Why don’t we ask fathers to bring their kids to the office?