Bet Franc

The coffee maker smells of coffee, not of soiled diaper

But this was supposed to be a professional conference, not one about parenting or motherhood. I’m not against people bringing their kid to work if they’re on a pinch, but this woman had her friend with her, no?

Cry me a river... Maybe lower income dads should bring their kids to work everyday, rather than it being dumped on the moms. What this author regards as a baby’s cute little “beep” was probably hella loud and made a few people turn their heads... I'm not saying we should fire people if they didn't have childcare that

You can have a stool tho

I’m 5,10”, so yeppers! Exactly like that!

Screw that! The tiny people can just buy a little stool or summing... :P

I understand what you were saying about privilege, but I thought that Django was supposed to make you feel uncomfortable... And to set Django up for success? Have a narrative where he is not just a slave?

To be fair, she may know the building guy pretty well.. Maybe offered them money or maybe they knew she would find a way to repay them their efforts... Nice rich people do exist

But it’s easier than getting your clothed full of water and dog hair :/

True. I have a hard time sympathizing because this feels like the type of thing that he, himself would jump on... And lOl at him calling out sexism... He’s like professionally sexist.... And lOl at bathing suits.. Ain't no parent got time for that.

I think is weird that they recorded it, and that the cam got so close, and that Kourtney came in mid-shave...

I think that's very salient

I agree with you, except that slaves when back when were probably already enslaved by other people who sold them then to the Europeans. But they would've been war slaves/prisoners in Africa anyway. Not that either case is acceptable, but I think that nuance gets lost that the white English settlers weren't the only

Some people here have pointed out and shared the POV of these women back then. While it seems to be the case that they were indeed racist, the quote was meant to be hyperbolic at the time. I mean, I obviously would not agree or support these women nowadays, but it's part of the history. I am all for showing them with

But the American cast members have no say on it.. And as more people here have said: this is about British history... You can't just Murik wash everything.

I concur

I’m OK with the media discussing motives, but come on! Y’all plastered his face on your site. Discuss the facts, but stop putting him in the limelight.

But the opposite argument of “IDK anything about this company, therefore, they must be racist” doesn't make sense either

That sucks... Yeah, I’ve heard about that somewhat... The problem is that the snowflakes tend to be the ones not with such conditions...

This! Of course I understand actual Celiac people, but come on! The percentage of the population that actually has that is minuscule...