Bet Franc

To be honest, I would ask where he got his tie... Especially if it's a funny tie

Yeah. I do think it is admirable to be able to raise 5 kids (nannies or not), while climbing the corporate ladder, but the whole “by the same husband?” Thing was too much...

I wonder why that isn’t offered.. Like... Bring your bottle, we’ll have the waiters chill & serve it for you

Why on earth would it be tacky for a sister to throw the shower? :/

I have a friend having a paid bar, but TBF, she’ll have free wine and beer, and the bar is open for the cocktail hour.. I don't like it, but I get it, I guess

This! The seating arrangement thing sounds like such an unnecessary hassle... Just let folks work the room, and reserve one big table for the couple, the parents and the wedding party

So much yes to the charcuterie!

Meh... People end up going to a fast food place after the wedding’s done, anyway...

why are buffets tacky? They seem less hassle... Especially when the paleo and gluten free and raw vegan snowflakes show up

But for the majority of people, the titties were a perk... And it wouldn’t have sold as much if it didn’t have them.

So, irrelevant fun fact: I’m not American, but my idea of home school was the Thornberries or Mean girls. So, of course, adventuring life while learning things in a museum or in your traveling RV sounded like a dream to me. Then, I come to the US and find out that is mostly the fundies doing the homeschooling.

I think we all get your point, and to an extent agree, but why keep harping on it? If they want to use their platform for something good, then great. Jez publishes a lot of silly articles, and every now and then good ones with interesting interviews

Well, a lot of people claim they read/used to read Playboy for the articles.

True, but given the fact that traditional media models are not profitable anymore, I say let them put out all the princess listicles if it means that the revenue and visibility of their platform is used towards something good, and productive.

You might be onto something

Or in the case of the US, you're a racist asshole if you don't support riots...

IDK hoe to gif, but kisses to you like Yoga Nerd did! :)

Che Guevara didn't do shit to make anything better for any people... Ask all the Cubans who arrived to Miami in boats...

Can you explain the whole Starbucks doesn't pay taxes thing? It keeps coming up in this thread

In your case, it sounds more like the neighborhood is kinda abandoned... So, revitalized might actually be true there