Bet Franc

I agree, so long as developers aren't threatening and bullying poor people who have little resources to defend themselves... And let's get real: that's what happens oftentimes

I like your point, except one is violent, and one is not... If people want to protest across the street with signs, or if people want to sit-in, etc... Is not violent, no one will be physically harmed...

That last part tho... Usually, people will just move you/kick you out, even if you can’t get safe, affordable housing on time for the move... I don’t think it is just stubborness..

Hmmm... I see! Still sounds a bit more reasonable than the sandwich thing...

All I have to add to this discussion is that we need a season 3 of Young Justice

The other day, I was in a car with a friend, and found his metal Avengers lunchbox, and I kid you not, Black Widow was only in the fucking BOTTOM of the lunchbox... I was so outraged!!!

Girl, no disrespect, but why on earth add more stress if you’re drowning?

Then I’ll just rehome the baby.. Easy :P

I would have mine clean everything on the basis of I’m producing life, period.

Happened to a friend, 2 months ago... Old lady in the street saw her with some rescues she was I think taking to their new home.. I know that as long as you don't handle poop, you're golden

I knew people recommend not earing shelfish, or any sea products or river fish, but I was like .. Wut? People eat that all the damn time anyway... Also, isn’t fish healthier than meat cos it’s lean and gots Omega 3, and all that jazz? Shelfish I’d be weary of.. But sammich meat? In murica, land of we can’t have any

I have no idea why self confidence and interpersonal skills shouldn't be considered important or serious topics for boys.

:/ fuck...

That makes me sad :(

TBF, I’ve seen proms guarded by cops, and they seem chill, albeit annoyed by all the teenagers... Ditto with local outdoor festivals, sporting events... Then, again... My town’s hella white, and I’m a pale latina

Same thing happened to me when I moved to the US @ 20 from S.America

I think it's lovely.. You don't have to wear both everyday tho..

Here’s my take on it: one ring, engagement or wedding you make it silver/platinum... Then the other you make gold, so they match your jewelry.. You wear whichever one matches that day..

Squirrel! Thanks for the thoughtful answer! So, totes agree on the fact that Kylie should be taught better. When it comes to white-black dynamics in the US, I tend to agree with how you are framing the issue, and try to keep an open mind, because I was raised with a cultural attitude of everything is a joke, is not a

In the sense of sexual awakening and experience, that would be accurate, no?