Bet Franc

I honestly don’t get why even want to bring them... Weddings aren’t fun for kids :/ and you can’t enjoy yourself because you have to pay attention to them. I mean, unless it was impossible for you to get maybe one the kids’ friends’ parents to babysit? Like go on a sleepover... I mean, I get it may have not been

Sounds nice if you can afford it. On the other hand, IdK why OP has a quote talking about latinos and their million children. In my country, weddings start 7-9 pm, don’t end till 3AM... So, they’re not kid friendly from the get go, and my parents once got an invite that said:

Maybe we should? I mean, those women had higher death rates related to pregnancy, and more still births... I don't see how this is woman-hating, it is simply stating that spacing out your kids takes less of a toll on your body... The more knowledge we have on keeping women healthy, the better.. No?

Girl.. then, don't... Try adoption or keep your kid. No one has to force you to have more kids.

I don’t quite get this comment. I think they’re saying ot’s a health issue because it takes your body a while to recover. I don't think breeding like Duggars is exactly healthy for the population at large

Is that bad? Isn't 6 months average? I mean, they start growing teeth and being too big to be satisfied with just breastfeeding, so it seems reasonable

Gimme a break.. I know a lot of people have those debts, but some of it has to do with being on debt for things that are beyond your means. Taking student loans/possible medical debts out of it: people buy houses and cars way beyond their means... And the US economy even after the recent crisis is pretty robust and

So, devil’s advocate here: I think that in a way that sounds practical, albeit scary cos 1 baby’s already a lot of work... I thiiink that what they mean, or at least what I would read it as is that if I want 2 kids, I may as well get 2 from 1 pregnancy, then they'll be using diapers and stuff at the same time, they'll

I definitely can see how people who have a normal pregnancy don’t want to be hooked to a bunch of machines and be hospitalized and pay for the extra expenses, etc... Or simply want to be comfortable.. I think, in a way that conversation for the rich white ladies can happen... Amongst them and their doctors, and if

Not to mention that their central American housekeepers probably can't afford measles parties or such other asshatery, and are probably scrambling to keep their own kids on schedule. Uggghhh...

I agree, but there’s a difference between generally feeling icky about hospitals and saying that medical attention when giving birth is bullshit. Like, for example: If I were Kate middleton, I would’ve done anything and everything possible to give birth at home. Why? Because who wants cameras in their face the day

Also, gloves are kinda new

How about Suri Cruise then?

The thing is is that I’m sure these celebs are vaccinating their children, and their parents probably vaccinated them. I mean, I guess that if a bunch of hardcore scientologists got measles, a lot more would be like “oh, no, I totes got my vaccines, is just that I don’t want the government forcing me or my kids...”

I Wish she had burned it :(

I mean.. If you want a really cynical answer, they could’ve shot her and the govt would’ve been “welp... She was told to come back down”

I was wondering why she didn’t take it down at night, no public, and the flag would disappear... And someone could argue that because it is not that same flag, they can't put another one up..

To be fair, some people are radical in their feminism and/or atheism... But you have a good point...

Why on earth would that be weird? People like having communities to be a part of.. We’re social beings.. And you can’t exactly talk about how uncomfortable you feel when your grandma badgers you about not going to church with family or friends who are religious... Part of the appeal of going to church is having family

I share your sentiment, but linalee has a point... It's uncomfortable to think about, but it is nevertheless poignant and in a way tru facts... :/