Bet Franc

Hmmm.. So, I guess it is possible that the ex found out that way... It's still creepy to think how the ex was stalking:/

Question: how would the ex-BF know Easter was a juror? Like what type of digging up/stalking do you have to do? Is that matter of public record?

Watch the “Scooby Doo-Where are you” series, is very modern, I think 2012... So smart! It has a great meta-plot! But I agree that it's good about deconstructing how things that look scary really aren't when examined closely.. A lot of things have rational explanations...

I remember reading that! I’m her paisana, so... Yeah... My people have this BS in their head that we’re cool if we're paler than thou... Like I said up thread: I get it as a joke, but FFS... You're not even that white compared to Europeans...

I know, I don't get it... I know that's kind of a common joke, but like... People eat that shit up and actually believe it.. :/

Grwt article, but... Perejil does not use rollong of the R...

I’m really trying to feel ya, but.. Yeah, it's pretty much nothing compared to what ladies go through... Also, easier than a vasectomy...

I think I’ll have to. I will be thinking Rachel Berry the whole time

Oh, Ok.. Well, look, I hope it all goes well :)

You're such a champ... Holy shit...

Huh... That’s interesting... I’ve always felt like yeah, the US is strict on you need all your paperwork in order, but after that, it's all always easy... Spain always feels convuluted.. I hope the wedding goes well. Have you been made to swear fealty to the king yet?

Liberal media will argue the case that drugs are expensive to regulate and people want them, so they should have them... Then, conservatives will say what you said: you can’t have it just cos you want it, then reverse roles for gun debate... Circl jerk of media...

Holy shit! You didn't go to the hospital?

Dude, the heck you talking about? Spain has very painful and annoying beaurocratic system for its citizens.. And like... Seriously.. I don’t for 1 second doubt Montana would be efficient like that.. That’s like the 1 thing I love about US over Europe and Latin America... I do miss Spanish food tho...

Why not just have an evening or night wedding tho? I’m still figuring out why everyone loves outdoor weddings when it’s hot outside... But good luck to you. Enjoy yourself!

Stephen Amell...

I never thought I'd give a shit about Andy after S1 of Parks & Rec

I’ll keep it between us!

I have to say: impressed at Gawker covering this lady in such a decent way

Actually, marriages these days have a lower divorce rate... Less than the 50% it used to be. So... There’s that.