Not any worse than the cavemen on the BC comic strip celebrating Easter.
Not any worse than the cavemen on the BC comic strip celebrating Easter.
They are perfectly welcome to keep this kind of music.
They left the campaign when Trump, as usual, refused to pay them.
Gotta watch out for those migratory decimal points. When I was a programmer analyst for a municipal payroll system, we had a similar error. The system picked up the end date of the pay period and wrote a check for $200,312.31.
He’s got no filter. His frontal lobe is damaged.
No. South Carolina led the way on secession. North Carolina, where I live, withdrew in the 2nd wave, after Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to suppress the rebellion.
Ever since I graduated college i’ve had anxious dreams about not being able to finish an exam before the end of the hour, or neglecting to start work on a research paper till the night before it’s due. (I’m 67.)
For me it’s asperger’s combined with depression. I’m also a transperson. Living in my gender of choice greatly reduced my depression, but it didn’t go away.
Well, at least they’re burning a swastika too. That I can get behind. (My tongue is lodged firmly in my cheek.)
We in NC like to call the 12th district the I-85 district because it wraps around I-85 for much of its length. District 1 looks like a profile of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, complete with noodly appendages.
When I was a kid, my brother and I were assured that the absence of a chimney was no problem. We’d simply leave the door unlocked for him!
NC is a deep valley of humility between two towering mountains of conceit (SC and VA).
I love watching & hearing Jennifer Lawrence laugh. She’s my latest celebrity crush.
Maybe he thought they were New Dealers, or something.
That happened to a guy in my brother’s frat in his college days. He burned 3 inches of his rectum and had to eat (drink) an all-liquid diet for a while.
That sounds like the kind of “revenge” he’d take on the media after he loses. Or maybe just go on Fox News. I can here it now: The Donald Trump Show.
I liked the first two books, because V. Roth made me care about Tris and Four. But Allegiant was a struggle. So many chapters went by where nothing happened! I’d have thrown it against the wall, but that would have broken my ereader.
She’d love it. She’d get all the air time, and the debate would turn into a live interview of her by the press correspondents.
Hillary’s only just begun to start her TV ad barrage on him. There are so many ridiculous and inflammatory video clips to choose from. She’ll do fine.