Betty Cross

Political junkies are like sports fans. But in my experience there isn’t much overlap. Besides, even for me a political debate can get boring. I didn’t watch the last hour of one of the Obama-Romney debates.

Her voice is a bit low. Most men don’t think a low-pitched woman’s voice is likable.

Except for the crows, I find Dumbo the Elephant fun and inspiring. It’s too damned back about the crows, but that’s a reflection of the times, like it or not.

As a kid, I noticed the terrified look in her eyes, and was on her side. I didn’t see Pepe LePew as romantic. I thought he was an asshole, and a fool as well since he didn’t seem to know what a skunk looks like.

Soldiers from India fought for the British in WW1.

I read all 3 books because Veronica Roth made me care about Tris and Four as characters. However, I never bought the explanation of the five factions, and the series’ attempts to explain them got more and more convoluted as time went on. Then there’s what I call the Dead Zone of Allegiant—ten chapters of padding that

I wanted to throw Allegiant across the room too, but if I did, I might damage my ereader.

The Sputnik-1 satellite going up (1957).

I thought I knew about all the fetishes ... then I saw this.

Photoshopped pic, although it seems in character for Mrs. Palin.

Oh, but she’s not only a woman but an MP. The assassin was punishing her for being so uppity.

It doesn’t help that M. Knight Shammalamma-ding-dong directed it.

Brown got a much needed stiff drink handed to him when he got off the plane.

Worst investment on the board. Everybody who ever seriously played Monopoly as a kid figures that out very quickly.

Re-elect him a few times more, please.

I quit SL when I found a significant other in the real world.

Thanks for making me a 2nd class citizen in my own state, douche bags!

I loved Julia. She was my favorite actress and character in the whole show.

Don’t take this personally, but I want to punch your spirit animal in the face. As for Julia Sahwalla, hooray!

Charles Manson joined Scientology earlier when he was in a Federal pen. He made it all the way to “theta clear” before he was released. That tells me how worthless Scientology is.