I also recommend the manga more than the movie, as it is a more detailed and complete story.
I also recommend the manga more than the movie, as it is a more detailed and complete story.
I read the manga and watched it multiple times and I am still not sure what anyone was trying to say with the movie other then “Look at all the cool shit we can draw”
This was my first Anime back when originally released on VHS in the UK. I was spoilt. After that other Anime felt flat and lifeless, I still haven’t made it all the way through ghost in the shell SAC for example.
society’s repugnant tendency to value money over human lives
When Ronald Reagan was governor of California he signed a major piece of gun-control legislation. The reason he did this is because the Black Panthers marched to the Capitol armed with rifles.
I wonder how King would feel if there was a concentrated effort to arm black and brown people with AR-15s. Talk about pants being shat.
I can only imagine what Mr. and Mrs. Roof must be like if their both of their kids are such trash. Sometimes good parents produce a bad apple through no real fault of their own, but two racist children with violent tendencies don’t happen by accident.
If it wasn’t for cultural appropriation white people would have nothing but bland food.
Range, not store. Stores frown heavily upon conversations of this nature since they can directly affect sales.
Speaking as a white person, no, they really don’t know that. They think personal choice accounts for everything that exists in our world. They really do think that in the end it was a favor to bring Africans over because at least now their descendants don’t live in Africa/the Caribbean. But you are right, they are…
While I agree with your general point, I believe you are missing some words from your headline: White people are afraid of Black people’s **RIGHTEOUS PAYBACK** I have no doubt whatsofuckingever that these ammosexuals are well aware of how white America has screwed and continues to screw people of color. Since they…
The “black rapist” is a stereotype going back to before the crusades and still controls the thoughts of most white women who own guns.
How is this news? How do these studies keep getting funded? How many times are they going to say the same thing before they actually do something about the seething resentments that cause these men to spray bullets at strangers?
They apparently really want to defend their wealth...
Best watermelon and Kool-Aid I ever tasted.
There’s a lot of truth here.
My first boyfriend was a deeply competitive ambitious business student whose overwhelming prowess in his career completely robbed him of a soul, so I feel for you. He was the sort of guy who would make six figures right out of college, but never wanted to pay full price at a restaurant - so he’d complain about his…
Christian Grey Holdings Enterprises Incorporated LLC or whatever the fuck it was called in the book just made $800 million back thanks to tax reform, so yes, he’s definitely a Republican and he’s definitely going to spend all of that money on tracking devices.
The only thing I didn't like about Trent was that he never had a conversation with Tiffany. That would have been amazing. And if it happened when Trent was in a particularly lazy mood, it would have lasted the entire episode.