Betty Borsalino

stinky shame

I’m somewhat of the mind that the number of districts that are “beyond hope” is actually very small. I’d estimate it to be less than 20-30 seats.

I say that it’s so small because some of these districts that seem beyond hope are because of gerrymandering, not because of intransigent voters. That’s my working theory

I’m no fan of Hope Hicks, but the trope that women find themselves romantically linked to abusers due to daddy issues is a trope that can die in a fire, as far as I’m concerned.

I am very much in the greys but I do hope some see this.

Well, if the good Lord didn’t want us ingesting mercury and other “so-called” pollutants, he wouldn’t have created them and put them in so many of those beautiful, clean fossil fuels! The more pollutants in your body, the more you truly love the Lord!

Yes. And there is going to be more of this.

“Awwww, lookit that cute nudibranch!”

You shouldn’t be shocked by stories like this. A former cop in WV was fired for trying to deescalate a situation, and NOT shooting an armed, distraught black man. Once you realize that this system is working exactly how it was intended to work, nothing they do to Black People will surprise you.

I await her tearful Facebook apology where she declares “That is NOT who I am...”

The REAL issue is dude’s son chose a sista and not her.....

Boy, that went racial, quickly. No, wait, I guess it didn’t if she’s been waiting so long to say it out loud, huh.

Tonight, I confronted my abuser, my ex-wife. I’ve had spousal abuse charges dropped by a judge, another woman, who said that women can’t be abusers, especially against another woman. Yes, I’m a woman, and my ex-wife abused me. Tonight, she started throwing our child around the house. Because he called, and texted

53% of white women who are registered and bothered to vote, voted for him. Only 60% of registered voters bothered to show up. Many, many of those women who couldn’t be bothered or weren’t eligible probably wouldn’t have voted for him, but couldn’t or refused to vote for Hillary for ‘reasons.’ My point being that

If your Great-Grandma’s sister has a daughter the same age as your mom then you ain’t calling that woman Auntie. That woman’s name is Cousin Pam, but you right about calling anyone not your Grandma, Grandma. That name is bestowed upon 1 and only 1 person. Your mom/dad’s mother. E’rbody else related or not is Auntie

I must protest, sir!

If forced to choose between candy hearts and candy corn, the hearts win everything single time.

Now playing

I believe STANK LOVE is best encapsulated by the immortal ballad ‘Can I Smell Yo Dick?’.