Betty Borsalino

I’d like everyone to stop saying he “has” a conviction like it’s a MAGA hat or a pickup truck that you just acquire along the way. He IS a convict and a sex offender. Call it what it is.

And the fuckwits who pull into the right lane because there is one car ahead of them at the red light, thus preventing me from turning right on red.

I’m fine with not splitting entrees or paying more for a split plate charge as long as the server doesn’t automatically bring two fucking forks with my single dessert without asking. That shit drives me INSANE. Dessert is the one thing I’m definitely not going to share.

We should make it legal to own guns but not to manufacture, sell or distribute them. Also no taking them across state lines, providing them to children, or shipping them through the US Mail. Republicans loved that idea when it was about dealing drugs. Why not resurrect it for dealing guns?

Or don’t be lazy and strive to get healthier cleaning products on the market. Cut out the petrochemical industry and maybe we’ll see some progress. But as long as Rex Tillerson and his buddies need to continue making money on oil in the face of increased use of alternative energies, that petroleum has to be sold to

Soon, everyone in America will know a kid who’s been killed at school. Then things will change, gun-lovin’ jabronis be damned.

I don’t care about winning allies from the shoot-em-up community. They are a lost cause. I want to rally everyone else to finally amend the constitution so we can take away your killing machines.

Ah yes. Rush Limbaugh, the ultimate Constitutionalist.

It is when you encourage kids with known disciplinary problems and a penchant for killing animals to join your shoot-em-up club.

Yes. Yes I would. If they allow kids with known disciplinary issues and a history of killing animals access to firearms and to teach them to be more accurate with them, then they are complicit too.

They don’t really need or want him to care about them. They just want him to keep women and POC down.

This is the generation that will finally amend the constitution.

Nope. That’s in the Declaration of Independence which is not a legally binding document. Besides, the self-evident rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness could be used to justify both the anti-choice crowd and the AR-15 loving crowd.

OMG Mango Unchained is one of the best I’ve heard so far. +1!

“One of my team members is black so I can’t be racist.”

As a union member, Tambor has a right to file a complaint with SAG for wrongful termination. If the union thinks that the company is in the wrong, they could issue a No-Work Order for the company and union members wouldn’t be allowed to work for them anymore. But they are never going to deprive thousands of union

Actually, it’s not the union’s job to teach its membership not to be assholes either. Its job is to protect worker’s rights, including not being harassed on set.

I support the same path we took when we decriminalized cannabis whereby the possession of guns is legal, but well-regulated, and sales and distribution of firearms would be outlawed along with their manufacture. Strictly speaking that would perfectly protect the second amendment. But we all know why that will never

Families have a right to cut out an abuser until they get help themselves. It is not the family’s job to fix the abuser. That’s codependency 101.