I’d rather hear your solution. What do you think we should do?
I’d rather hear your solution. What do you think we should do?
Must feel so biased to not be the one to make the call on what happened.
It’s not an employer’s job to educate and help reform an employee who violates others in the workplace. It’s the employer’s job to provide a safe environment for it’s other employees. Jeffrey Tambor needs to go learn how not to be an asshole all on his own, or with a therapist, his choice.
Correction: fuck you in the ass prison and losing their money.
I’m almost 50 and I’ve only ever heard it used to describe women, but especially women of color. I have never heard anyone refer to a man as uppity. Nowadays I think it’s more of a sexist term, although the racial intersection is huge.
“Caucasian” is also one of these. It was coined in 1779 by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach along with Mongoloid and Negroid as three of the five human races. This was later used to promote the idea of polygenesis which sought to disprove the idea that all of humankind originated in Africa. Nobody calls anyone Mongoloid or…
Spinning out into a possible scenario in which we have to continually test gun owners in case they go insane is a ridiculous straw man. Regulations are supposed to prevent people who are currently dangerous from getting guns. The apparatus is in place, it’s just that no one cares about really enforcing it (see: the…
Kirk Cameron once pushed me out of the way to cut in front of me at the snack counter in the airport. Mr. B and I glared at him, prompting him to ask if I wanted to go first. I did, and I did. And now I tell that story every time someone mentions him. Fuck that guy.
Oh, no, it would be his brilliant thinking that brought them back. And he’d find a way to claim Obama was really the one who shut them down. And all his dupes would believe it.
No way. Monkeys touch their own poopies. On the other hand, juju beans are num nums!
We’re doing the sous-vide lobster tail (thank you very much Claire) and buying a giant flan from the mercado for dessert. Tomorrow we binge on discounted candy.
As I posted in another recent article, please please please alert your neighbors if you are going to use any cleaning wipes on your tray tables. Cleaning products can be potent asthma triggers, especially in an enclosed area with lots of other possible triggers like perfume. If you’re not into caring about others,…
I didn’t see that one coming. My first instinct was that a Trump (probably Eric) owned some company that would provide those meals. It had to be a big grift, like Whitefish Energy. I can’t believe that I missed the Black Forest of corporate greed for the Evil Trees of Trump family greed.
Why? That’s the most important thing they can say. For me, “Not Trump” is my first requirement of any candidate I’m going to vote for.
I think Reedus is more of a faux funky dude. Like he wants to look all dirty and greasy, but up close he smells like vanilla soap.
Dear Lord I saw Nancy & Beth perform this with Nick. It was glorious. Gawker covered it: http://gawker.com/5987093/nick-offerman-and-megan-mullally-covering-riskays-smell-yo-dick-is-as-awesome-as-it-sounds
This is the reason we should all be donating to The Innocence Project. https://www.innocenceproject.org/
Dude. You fucking know corporate giant The Coca-Cola Company gives him his fix for free. How else are they gonna get their tax cuts?
Don’t believe the hype. Only 40% of those who were eligible, registered, and actually voted cast a ballot for him. Trump wants us to think at least 40% of all Americans voted for him but you and I both know that way more than 60% of Americans think he’s a total buffoon.
I’d like to see a federal law stipulating that officers who commit crimes are automatically sentenced to twice the maximum sentence for civilians. That would be some mandatory minimum sentencing I could really get behind.