I’m also sorry you have to deal with that. Replying to bump and to give you encouragement and positive vibes. Good for you!
I’m also sorry you have to deal with that. Replying to bump and to give you encouragement and positive vibes. Good for you!
It is infuriating. Just check out voter eligibility vs registration vs voting statistics. A whole shit ton of people can’t be bothered to vote against anyone. But worse than that are the people who don’t vote but still think they can complain about everything.
In “Taxi Driver” Travis Bickle has “a piece of apple pie with a slice of melted yellow cheese” on his date with Betsy. I think it’s a psycho thing.
They mean white, cis, male children, obvs. Those are the only ones that matter.
I don’t think those are modern people. That looks like an authentic vintage minstrel show group photo. Look at the costumes: newsie, maid, island girl, dandy. The racism lies in the fact that they focused on that aspect of the speakeasy life, and not the white gangs of the era.
Nothing that he himself isn’t implicated in as well. He’ll take the 5th. Mark it.
Vultures are diurnal raptors of the order Accipitriformes.
We have a hummingbird sitting on two eggs in a nest she built on our wind chime on the front porch. We thought the nest was abandoned, but last night when we came home she flew into our house. We managed to corral her and lead her out the front door with some poster board. We were worried that she would abandon the…
True. But for me, I’m more likely to actually die from an asthma attack than from any germs in my kitchen.
That’s totally the kitchen cabinet accidentally hitting you in the face while you’re making his fucking pot pie.
This woman is definitely already homeschooling her kid. How else will she protect him from the seks?
Are we sure this is a case of Wypipo and not Crazychurchfolk? We atheists have been incurring this wrath from protesting the pledge since “under god” was added in 1954. It’s because of our legal battles that the school already has a policy in place that lets students sit-out the pledge. Granted, this woman’s response…
He is the absolute best, the greatest, at the illusory truth effect. His ITE is beautifully special. The greatest in the world. Great. Did I mention best?
Is there any benefit to keeping it in the freezer when not in use? I do that with steel wool pads to keep them from rusting. Would that keep germs from growing in it?
YES! My mother taught me that sponges are disgusting. But I go with lemon/salt/vinegar instead of bleach because asthma.
You’re missing the point. She doesn’t have to be permanently damaged or have her childhood stolen (which, I’ll admit, I don’t seem to understand what you mean by that) just because of this attack. I know we like to use hyperbole when discussing crime and punishment because it justifies our desire for revenge and…
Or not. The attack was in May and she went back to school in September to hopefully do all the things she was supposed to do: go to school dances, make (better) friends, have sleepover parties, have her first kiss - soon she’ll be learning to drive. Assuming that her life irrevocably changed for the worse gives way…
Or not. People can heal from trauma. With counseling, she may not be afraid forever. This doesn’t diminish what she’s already suffered, just pointing out that assuming victims of crimes will always be damaged and afraid does survivors a disservice.
I have hope for her future because of continuing medical advancements. Forty years is a long time to make a lot of progress in the treatment of mental illness.