
While everyone else is arguing over intent, let me propose this:

This is just the dumbest take. I’m sorry.

It’s one of the oldest wives tales in the book: if you have bad heartburn during pregnancy, you can look forward to a baby with a full head of hair. Nonsense, right? Well, a study done at Johns Hopkins, published in the journal Birth, found that there is a correlation between severity of heartburn and the hairiness

This is my favorite thing I’ve learned about while I’ve been pregnant so far. Apparently enough people asked about this old wives’ tale that the research hospital at Johns Hopkins was like, “Okay, guess we’ll study it!” And it actually turned out to be A Thing.

there is an association between heartburn and baby hair!

This is one of those times where interacting with different Native communities would’ve been beneficial. It kinda sounds like she just read the wikipedia pages and went about her business. Nah.

I’ve always wondered about this, especially in relation to those so called”mommy bloggers” and “mommy vloggers” who post every little thing about their kids online. I know that years later their kids may need a lot of therapy once they find out that their once raging diaper rash was shared as a two-part series.

From what I can gather, pre-pregnancy advice amounts to receiving both of the following from different people (and, often, from the same person):

Also, isn’t that completely disgusting? I’m almost 33 weeks and the thought of microwaving turkey makes me want to hurl. I’ve had my share of turkey sandwiches during this pregnancy, anyway.

I got pregnant with my son on the tail end (was spotting) of my period. My doctor didn’t believe me. I have a shorter cycle and I think sperm can live in a woman’s body for three days. I had been trying via the calendar for several months with no luck. The spontaneous sex did it. I ended up going into labor 6 days

GTF away from me and my comment with your basic ass perspective.

I also got that she was “dressed like a slut” and it was “inappropriate for children”. People are so fucking afraid of a woman with thighs, I swear to god....

Yeah, I guess I wasn’t really keyed to it until after the superbowl. And then suddenly the crazies came out about how dare she sing a song and wear clothes that were a tribute to black people. And then everyone turned it into her being anti-police. It really just goes to show how prejudiced our society still is that

Seriously. The amount of white friends who I’ve personally had tell me a combination of how horrible the song is/how the lyrics mean nothing/how it’s unlistenable/how Beyonce doesn’t understand what she’s doing/how unimpressed they were/casually forgot Beyonce is black is depressing.

Every newsoutlet I’ve read talks about the ‘everything is about us’ part, but my favorite part is by far:

It’s amazing and sad that this is basically an accurate representation of what happened when that video dropped.

It’s precisely because of past Western wrongdoing that states like El Salvador are rightfully skeptical of Western motives.

Getting rid of mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases also gets rid of Dengue, malaria (probably the deadliest disease today:, and a host of other illnesses. It remains one of the greatest areas of benefit for the poor in the world.