
If a business is open, that’s the owner’s decision to put the worker through that. I always tip a minimum of $3 and more if it is cold and rainy out. Fifty percent is a bit much on say a $20 order though. I am not that kind of rich. In fact I’m not any kind of rich. It’s really not the moral duty of the entire

This is a great step-by-step guide to how to be a sociopath. So thanks?! It at least gives me some insight into the manipulative people in my life.

Join okcupid, the transers on there get really upset if someone looking for something with a female responds to their come-ons with the fact they’re a goddamn dude with a penis.

The best person for me is borderline asexual and an anti-natalist although we care about each other very deeply, and it broke the deal for us. I hope the person in his situation doesn’t feel bad about it either cause wanting kids but not being able to have them is much different than not wanting kids but wanting the

Doctors are always wrong about their infertility blanket statements. Haven’t you noticed that? They are constantly telling people they will never have kids that end up having them. Maybe you should get back in touch with her.

This x 56,000, with no end in sight and no cops buying coffee - homeless population of NYC!

This won’t be read, but she is saying that trans”women” look and act like men’s stereotypical misogynistic ideas of what a “woman” is, not like the (infinitely unique and not copyable) personality qualities that come with each person born female. Kinda like how Dolezal is attempting to recreate a stereotype, and can

They’re mean girls, the type who tend to ignore me in RL too. Gawker is much more egalitarian.

She actually does look not-25 but cause she has made significant surgical alterations which are mot natural to a naturally aged 25-year-old face. She could be 50 cause she has the same exact surgery as a 50-year-old might get, is the brain’s reasoning.

Again, you are an entitled asshole, and a man who for some strange reason is writing a feature called Kitchenette on a feminist women’s website. GET OUT OF HERE

Yep. She sounds like a classic severe borderline P.D. parent. I believe Heather’s account 1000%.

SIGHHHHH the point is it was very comprehensively taught at the earliest possible age any kids would need this info. Not really a need to redo weeks upon weeks of very scientifically delineated info five years later when it will have been too late for many kids.

You are going to miss out on A LOT, I dare say MOST, important information this way. The bulk of sex education took place in 5th grade for me and everyone I knew who was 10 in 1996.

Madeleine Davies you have no understanding of racial complexities whatsoever. She is not saying anything stupid, you are.

This direction seems backwards to me. I remember finding some game that went the opposite way and it seemed much more "at home" and "right." This feels like trying to read a page bottom to top.

Yes, being around my mom is very similar, it is terribly unhealthy for me because she is able to successfully convince other people that she is healthy since they never see the secret side she inflicts on her closests (all nuclear family). She once had the police come and get me from my house and take me to the pscyh

Yes, narcissism to the extreme. Narcissists are very fair-weather people so that no one will believe their foul-weather selves they show to people they don't feel the need to impress.

She's probably talking hair-wise, and ethnic's the term for any more tightly coiled nonwhite hair at salons. And it's true, if you wash your hair 1+ times a day and it is ethnic it strips it of natural oils and fries it to the point of it being a moistureless nest. I only have semi-ethnic hair and this still happens

Hmm, kind of like you "photoshopped" me out of Jezebel for accurately stating that your reporting is factually wrong? You got everything wrong about me in your article, from my diagnosis age (23 not "as a teenager"), what happened in the ER (I went into great detail about the conversation I had with the ER tech where

Now I am getting why Jezebel has such a Stepford mentality... they ban anyone who dissents, no matter how intelligent the dissension is in comparison to the original ignorance. I posted a comment five days ago accurately stating that a story written about me was a load of nonfactual garbage (specifically, as I wrote